chapter 5

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"Month four, this journey is going slowly exploring new Space is... well boring after dealing with another uninhabitable planet. It's getting repetitive while we are approaching something new, well old, a star is dying and we are heading to wittness this rare event and gather scientific data. the first exciting thing in months, end log," Amelia said. As she sat in her chair as she waited in her quarters as knocking at the door came "just on time," she whispered to herself. She got up from her chair as she walked to the door, opening it. "Hi Sarah," Amelia said with a wide smile. "Am i that predictable?" Sarah asked as Amelia's smile dropped to resting. "What gave it away?" Amelia asked her as Sarah gave her a knowing glance. "The smile," Amelia almost had to laugh at the irony of her predictable expressions.

"So what you up to?" Sarah asked as she entered Amelia's quarters. "Just my personal log, nothing important," she said with a smile as she sat back in her chair. "You know we have training this week," Sarah said as Amelia slouched, not looking forward to the event. "Oh, come on, Aim's, you'll be great," Sarah reassured her. "Let's go out. I need to detox from this stress. That's building up," Amelia said, getting up "sure what do you have in mind?" Sarah asked as Amelia turned to her smiling. "Fencing," Amelia said with a cunning smile.

"Approaching Red giant captain," the Helms officer informed as the captain seemed tense. The lift doors open as Amelia and Sarah walk onto the bridge. "Sorry sir, I lost track of time," Amelia said as Sarah gave her a look "Well you do get competitive when fencing," Sarah noted as they took their positions. "Senors online," a bridge officer informed as chatter became intense, I need to do this, and do it right. "Captain red giant going supernova in ninety seconds," another bridge officer informed "bare wittness everyone something we most likely won't be seeing again," the captain said "Captain sensors need to be closer to receive more accurate readings," the bridge science officer said as the captain looked at Amelia for advice "what do you say number one?" He asked her as she struggled to answer, "Captain as always, I'm ready to go in for the future of science, but our main concern is crew safety. Suggest we raise shields and proceed closer," Amelia said cautiously, nervous at her answer as the captain noticed it to.

The Nova moved into close range, entering the red zone as sensors were prepared for the supernova. "Star going Supernova in ten seconds," the science officer said as they counted down. Amelia got tense as they watched out the viewer. As the officer got to one, the star exploded its colourful array of destruction spreading quickly as it destroyed the first planet that orbited it spreading towards the Nova. "Captain receiving incredible readings. It's just stunning," the science officer said as the Nova watched the diameter grow wider. "How much longer until those scans are complete?" Amelia asked anxiously. "Ten more seconds," the science officer urged as they watched the supernova creep closer towards them. "This level of debri interference is getting to high captain," the Ops officer said. "Helm. Bring us about," the captain ordered.

The HMS Nova began turning away from the supernova. The Nova began exposing the belly of its Hull to the supernova as it turned away The first layer of gas clouds and dust began flying past the Nova as more planets began breaking up at the destructive nature of the supernova blast. The Nova began experiencing some minor turbulence as the first layer of the supernova blew past "Red Alert!" Amelia yelled as the ship sounded the alarm as red lights activated. "Magnetic Shields dropping quickly captain," "Warp us out of here now," the captain barked as this quickly became a nightmare of reality. The Helms officer tapped a few buttons as they slid their fingers up the screen on the warp drive as it began powering up for a jump.

A triangular sign with a explanation mark appeared in the middle of screen "captain warp drive won't engage," the Helms officer said "divert power from warp drive into the impulse engines," Amelia ordered as they began tapping their control screens. "Power diverted," the Helms officer informed "get us out of here engage," the captain yelled. The Nova began moving as fast as it could with the extra boost from the warp drive as it escape from the Supernova had begun although a losing battle. "Supernova closing in captain," Helm said "sir supernova destructive power will dissipate at these coordinates," Sarah said putting it Onscreen "can we make it?" The captain asked.

"Unlikely sir," they responded "supernova wave impact in five seconds," Helm said "tactical divert power to aft sheilds. Now!" Amelia said as Sarah worked faster than she ever thought possible as power began diverting as the wave hit. Everyone was throw across the room as the Nova was dragged along. Sparks flew from circuits as Amelia was quick to her feet blood trickling down from her head where she'd hit it "report!" she yelled as the younger crew got to their feet faster "Shields are ten seconds away from failing," the Ops officer said "Surfacing the wave commander," Helm said as Sarah got to her feet "approaching safety zone," she said.

The Nova hit the safety zone as the wave continued passed pulling the Nova along for the ride as Shields failed due to overwhelming stress as the ship began taking damage. "Redirect power back to warp drive get us out of here before we take more damage," Amelia ordered as Helm got to work. The Nova's warp nacelle lit up as it warped out of the danger zone.

The captain opened his eyes as everything slowly came into focus "where am I?" He said as a medical officer walked over "your in the medical bay captain," they said as he went to get up "you have to rest," they said as he slowly laid back down "but the ship," he said as the medical officer listened "in the very capable hands of commander Reid," they said as the captain tense posture began to relax knowing she was okay and in control of the situation.

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