❦You like Ambré?

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She saying invite Indiah before saying Tiana?

I slightly shook my head at the thought thinking that she probably just assumed Tiana would be there cause she my best friend. I sent her a message reading "I'll see" before I went over to Instagram seeing some dms on my business page, I decided to check them later when my mind is more cleared. Seeing I had two minutes left I went over to my main account dms seeing one from Nadalia which was sent last night.

@ _yesimdolly: in return to your picture😁

A slight smirk came upon my lips as the thought to make a comment that would mess with her crossed my mind.

               @ kota2raw: or did you just want me to see you

My eyes glanced to the top of my phone screen seeing as my time was up so I turned my car off and grabbed my tote before I left my baby and made my way.

"Hey Dakota, I don't know if you saw my message but I figured that I would see you in person anyways so I was just asking if you think you can customize these jeans for me," Sierra asked me in a hushed tone after our professor left us to finish our assigned reading of E.H. Gombrich, The Story of Art.

"Oh yeah my bad. I was gonna get back to that later, what typa jeans and what you want done to em?" I lowered my voice as I asked the ginger haired girl.

Without saying anything she pulled her phone out and went to her photos, "these are the jeans, and this is the inspo but I want the chrome hearts blue and black," I nodded my head at the request.

"Fasho if you ain't send me those pictures yet send em and then let me know when you wanna drop the pants off and I got you for ninety," she nodded her head in response before going back to do something on her device.

Now that Sierra pulled me out of my 'reading to learn' mode I closed my book and went on my own device. I went back to instagram seeing my story from earlier was getting lots of attention which I enjoyed of course, I need to start posting more though. Sliding over to my dms my eyes skimmed passed everyone else's messages and went to Nadalia's seeing as I had two from her, I quickly opened up our thread to read them.

@ _yesimdolly: you wish, you wanted to be seen.
@ _yesimdolly: me and Diah getting lunch after second want to come.

@ kota2raw: it's okay if you did girl I see you and how did I want to be seen🤔
@ kota2raw: yea I'm down

I was going to exit Instagram and scroll through Twitter, thinking that it would take Dalia some time to reply but I was wrong because as soon as I was about to exit our thread she read my shit.

@ _yesimdolly: stop, and because you could've just showed your hair you sent a full selfie that's how.

I had to stifle my laughter, not wanting to disturb the silence as I read the message.

She too funny.

@ kota2raw: 😭wym stop and I sent a selfie so you couldn't pull a "that's not you"

@ _yesimdolly: nothing, but okayy Kota see you next class!

I just liked the message and exited the app, she's so easy to mess with that it's entertaining.

"Why you smiling so hard?" Sierra whispered, making me pull my head from its position to face her, seeing that she was sporting a small smile of her own.

"Bye Sierra why yo nosey ass looking at me," I responded with a playful roll of the eyes.

"I was not looking at you, I was going to ask if you were going to this party and thats what i happened to have seen," she rolled her eyes in return.

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