An Intentional Sacrifice

Start from the beginning

" Poor Kya, she was terrified of everyone," Neva muttered as she continued running her fingers through her hair. No matter who held her, or tried to hold her, she would immediately burst into tears and wouldn't settle down until Yuno or Neva held her. " And in a way she had every right to be, this world is full of scary things and people...including this Castle." She muttered, her tone getting serious.

" I remember how all the advisors, councilmen, and Nobles all said her having Heterochromia was a 'bad omen'. And that she was a reincarnation of one of the demons that was sealed under this Castle," She continued, her voice growing more and more agitated. " And how when that didn't scare us they began to start nasty rumors about her."

Yuno quickly reached up and stroked her hair, he remembered how the Nobles had started questioning Kya's parentage when she didn't look more like either of them, but instead was the perfect combination of them.

" And I distinctly remember how you and I handled both of those things," Yuno pointed out calmly as he continued to stroke her hair. " You told them that her eyes weren't those of a demon, nor were they a 'bad omen'. You told them that her eyes were beautiful, and that they were actually a sign of good luck. While I...handled that nasty little rumor they tried to start." He added as he looked away, he didn't regret what he said or did to those Nobles, but wasn't exactly proud of it either.

" You did, you handled the rumor a lot better than I would have," Neva said as her voice grew quiet again. Yuno could see her purples eyes welling with tears again as she stared at her youngest child.

" I'm so scared Yuno," She admitted after the two had fallen silent for a while, admittedly he had been waiting for her Diamond wall to break, and it looks like it finally had. " What if I never get to see her eyes, her smile, or hear her laughter again?"

" You will," Yuno assured her as he used his thumb to wipe away her tears. " You'll get to see and hear all of those things again."

" I heard the healers say that it was up to her," Neva told him, her voice soft but hoarse as she tried to hold back her tears. " I heard them say they can't do anything else and that it's up to her, what if she decides to stay in whatever dream she's dreaming and doesn't come back to us?"

" She wouldn't do that, Neva," Yuno assured her. But she looked at him, her eyes full of sadness, worry, and hopelessness.

" How do you know? How can you be so sure?" She asked him, and Yuno looked at her as though the answer was obvious.

" Because she's our daughter. Because she is the perfect balance of you and me, and that means she has double the fighting spirit. So that means she'll come back to us, even if it takes her a while." Yuno told her with determined tone of voice. Neva's eyes searched his for a moment.

" You can stop pretending to be strong now," She suddenly said, catching Yuno by surprise. " I know that you firmly believe she'll wake up, but I also see the fear you're trying to hide."

Yuno just stared at Neva, she had a calm look on her face and an understanding smile on her lips. He hadn't realized he had been caught, but then again, this was Neva they were talking about. She could read him like a book at times, just as he could with her.

The past few days, he had been trying his best to keep the fear and worry about Kya hidden from his wife and children by putting on a brave face. But as his wife stared at him, he could slowly feel that brave face slip further and further away.

" It's okay to be scared too, we're all scared," Neva told him softly as she reached a hand out and gently cupped the side of his face. " It's okay, you can stop being strong for just a few minutes."

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