
Jisung took a sip of the third coffee of the day. He was running on caffeine and caffeine alone.

His leg bounced up and down furiously while he rubbed his sweaty palms against the fabric of his pants. Anxiousness was consuming him.

"Sunggie, I think that's enough coffee for today." said Chan, taking the drink away from the younger.

"He's been two days without answering to any of us, Chan. I'm worried." confessed the brunette.

Minho had been without giving any signs of life since his father had paid him a visit a couple of days ago. His boyfriend's concern only grew with each second that had passed since then.

Felix wrapped a comforting arm around Jisung's shoulders, pulling him in for a hug. Hyunjin joined, providing more warmth to the boys.

"Why don't we visit him? I know he told us not to until he says so but I think it's been too long since we hung out at his place." proposed Jeongin.

The group discussed that option until Jisung's phone rang with two new messages. He looked to see who it was, eyes widening immediately.

"It's Minho." he said. The boys got closer to look at the messages too. "He said that he loves me and that he's sorry."

Those texts sent chills through everyone's spine. Something wasn't right, and they all noticed it. Felix stood up and stormed out of the apartment, taking Chan's car keys with him. Hyunjin was the first one to run after the blonde boy.

"Lix, wait!" he shouted, making the australian stop and look back. His hands were shaking and tears threatened to fall from his eyes.

"I'm scared, Hyunjin. I'm scared because he's my best friend and I know that those messages don't mean anything good." he said, voice trembling.

"Me too." whispered Jisung, causing eyes to fall on him. Like Felix, he was also shaking with fear.

Hyunjin then took Jisung by the arm and walked towards Felix's side, grabbing the younger's hand and planting a kiss to it's palm.

"Let's go check on Minho, okay?" he said, then turned to the rest of his firends. "Any of you guys are coming?"

Changbin and Jeongin didn't need to be told twice.

Chan was going to walk too until he noticed how scared the puppy-like boy next to him was. He took his hand and gave the younger a comforting smile.

"It'll be okay, Minnie." he reassured. Seungmin nodded and they both joined the rest.

They got into Chan's car, barely fitting. The ride was quiet and filled with anxiety and as soon as they arrived they all stormed out of the vehicle, running towards Minho's door.

They knocked a few times but recieved no answer. Changbin walked to the front of the group, taking a pair of keys from under a flower pot at the entrance of the house. With them he opened the door.

"He told me where he kept the spare keys once so he didn't have to come open the door for me." said with a soft chuckle the black haired boy.

"Thanks, Binnie." told Jisung before getting inside of the house and starting to call for his boyfriend.

The rest did the same. No one answered to the callings.

They then started searching in the house's rooms.

Jisung walked inside Minho's bedroom, hoping to find him there sleeping but that wasn't the case. The boy's anxiety skyrocketed when he heard Felix scream from another part of the house.

He sprinted to where the sound came from, absolutely terrified of what he would find. Jisung walked in a hysterical Felix, Hyunjin trying desperately to calm the boy down. The bathroom door was ahead of him. He was so scared.

"Someone, call nine one one!" screamed Changbin from inside the room, running out of it immediately to take Seungmin and Jeongin away by their arms.

Jisung stepped closer, aiming to get inside the chaos.

"Jisung, don't!" Hyunjin tried to stop him without any effect.

The brunette entered the bathroom and the sight of his boyfriend lying inside a bloodied bathtub broke his heart into million pieces.

Tears began flooding his eyes, his breathing started to get more and more uneven, but he still got closer to Minho, kneeling down next to him and getting his hand out of the water. It was painfully cold. The cut of his wrist was still bleeding.

Jisung took off his hoodie and broke one of the arms with a strength he didn't know he had, and started wrapping his boyfriend's arm as a desperate try to get the blood to stop getting out of the older's body.

"M-minho, you're gonna be okay." he cried out. "You have to be okay. You can't leave, you hear me?"

Outside, Changbin took care of the two youngest boys, forbidding them to get near the bathroom, while Hyunjin was still trying to get Felix's breaths to calm down.

Chan was next to Jisung, he had called an ambulance and was trying to keep his composure in front of the younger until it arrived.

"Ji, he's gonna be okay." he whispered as he rubbed the brunette's back. "He's still breathing a little."

"Chan, he's so cold..." sobbed Jisung. "He's dying, Chan. He- he's dieing, fuck!"

Thankfully the sirens of the ambulance could be heard and soon after a group of doctors stormed in the bathroom, taking Minho's limp body and placing it in a white hospital bed. They covered the boy's wirsts with bandages and put an air mask on his face, taking him away as fast as they could.

Jisung and Chan got in the ambulance with him. Everything seemed to be sped up and in slow motion at the same time as the ambulance drove away with a sobbing Jisung, a worried Chan- who had been trying to keep himself collected for the sake of Jisung's mental state- and a dieing Minho.

Hyunjin stayed in the house, still trying to calm Felix down from the uncontrollable panic attack that had risen again from seeing his best friend being taken away like that.

Changbin also stayed, but he had gone to a different room with Seungmin and Jeongin to avoid them witnessing any of what was happening, hugging them both and covering their ears as much as he could, letting them soak the fabric of his hoodie with tears and not wanting to imagine how seeing Minho in that bathtub would have broken the youngers.

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