6. Stranger

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**First Meeting with Pervert Person**

Lan WangJi is crying a lot because his in-laws have thrown him out of the Qishan Sect without giving him any reason.

Lan Zhan starts crying so much that after a while he also starts feeling hungry.

Lan WangJi has no money, so he takes his little daughter and walks to a nearby sect for food and shelter.

Lan WangJi made a short trip to Yiling which happened to be near the Qishan Wen Sect.

Lan Zhan becomes tired due to his pregnancy and sits near a large and tall banyan tree with his daughter.

When Wen Tianshi is crying, Lan WangJi lets her breastfeed, Lan Zhan does not have even a single penny of money nor any silver coin.

Lan WangJi is also very hungry because he is also pregnant at this time.

Lan Zhan and his daughter are unaware that a stranger is also sleeping peacefully on the branch of the banyan tree.

Suddenly that stranger wakes up in a hurry and then he starts playing the flute in a melodious tune, a sweet tune of which fascinates everyone's mind.

The tune of the flute of that unknown person helps more in calming one's soul and mind.

Lan WangJi is very curious to see the unknown person who is playing a sweet tune on the flute hidden above the dense tree.

This moment is very relaxing for Lan Wangji and he falls into a deep sleep with his daughter Wen Tianshi in his arms.

Hearing the sweet tune of the flute, Wen Tianshi is also sleeping peacefully in Lan Wangji's arms.


**Few Hours Later**

After sleeping peacefully for some time, Lan WangJi wakes up from deep sleep and opens his eyes.

He saw that a strange young man was staring at his face as if he had seen an alien.

Lan WangJi feels uncomfortable seeing this strange man.

This unknown person who is constantly flashing his wide toothy smile, he is wearing a black dress with a red ribbon.

(Hope you can guess who this person could be  )

The strange boy said and handed a wrapped stuff wheat bun to Lan Wangji, "Didi, when you were sleeping peacefully under this tree, you looked so beautiful, just like the moon shine on a full moon night. Didi, would you like to eat something? I have wheat bun with stuff soya."

At first, Lan WangJi is hesitant to accept anything from a stranger, but due to his seventh month of pregnancy, his body feels the need for food.

Lan Wangji starts eating the stuffed wheat bun, he thanked the stranger for the food and calmly eats the bun and he gives one-third of his bun to his daughter to eat as well.

Lan Wangji a Cursed Bride Completed✅☑️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt