Numerous variations of their first meeting ran through his mind, but none of them ended well, with Li Chang Bo being left behind by Feng Yu Han in the end, which really pained him. Li Chang Bo wanted to stop thinking about such things because he felt that he did not trust and respect his husband's feelings for him, but it seems that the first separation between them left a deeper scar in his heart than he thought. Moreover, it made him uncomfortable to know that his husband had so many concubines and was close with the person who made living a torture for Concubine Li in this world.

Emperor Feng on the other hand was restless. He was always absent-minded and always felt stuffed in his chest. His strange behavior was noticed by all the ministers, who tried to find out what was wrong with the emperor, but they were unable to find anything. The chief eunuch himself was stressed and puzzled, for he had never seen the emperor like this before. Since that time when his heart began to ache and he felt that the person he was waiting for was finally here, Emperor Feng dreamed of a young man every night. He knew that this man was very important to him, so he tried to find out who he was in his dreams.

The young man was tall, but still almost a whole head shorter than him. He was slim and surrounded by an elegant air, but he himself was mischievous and loved to tease people, but at the same time he was the laziest person Emperor Feng had ever seen in his life. But one thing was certain: everything this man did made Emperor Feng love him more and more. These feelings confused the emperor because he could not understand why he had feelings for a man he did not know, but he subconsciously accepted these feelings without really questioning them.

Emperor Feng wanted to send his dark-guards to look for the person he dreamed about every day, but there was nothing he knew about that person. Not his name, not his place of residence, not his appearance, which was always obscured by fog in his dreams, nor his voice, or even his age, he knew nothing at all about this person. Frustrated, he sat down on his throne and continued to work on the reports.

It went on like this for a whole month until he finally thought of a way to find the person. Ever since the day he had felt that pain in his heart, Emperor Feng felt it two more times, which in turn meant that the person he was looking for was nearby, and that he was not well, which he did not like because the thought of him being hurt caused a deep pain in his chest. 

Emperor Feng called his dark guards to him. "Look for a man who is under 25 years old and seriously injured. He is in the palace. If you find him, give me a portrait of what he looks like. You're dismissed." he ordered them and turned back to his work. He had a feeling that if he saw a portrait of that person, he would recognize him immediately. But who would have thought that they would come back with more than 20 portraits of different people.

Frustrated, he flipped through the portraits, wondering why he was so restless. At one portrait, he stopped and his heartbeat increased drastically. Every cell in his body told him that it was him, the person he was looking for, and that pleased him, but when he saw the scratches on his face, he drew his eyebrows together and read seriously and with full concentration the reason for his suffering. After reading it, he slammed his table angrily and it collapsed in two. "He dares. Where does his courage come from to have the guts to touch zhen's person. Insolence" He threw off his sleeves and folded his arms behind his back.

"Call the imperial doctor for us. He has less than an hour to get to the cold palace or his head will roll" he announced with a threatening tone that chilled everyone standing outside his room. Emperor Feng strode to the Cold Palace at a fast pace, and a gloomy and menacing aura surrounded him. He was accompanied by his confidants and his dark guards who were hiding.

In the month that Emperor Feng kept dreaming about Li Chang Bo, he distanced himself from his consort. Consort Fu's entire life depended on Feng Yu Han, for he had traveled to this world to conquer him and take over the empress's seat. His missions revolved around him, and now that he was ignored by him, he could not accomplish his missions.

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