Chapter 9

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That night I told Peggy I was gonna stay with some friends, not wanting to bring her into this. Nobody else found out about Champe's death, and the teachers were set to keep it like that.
We decided to spend the night together so none of us would have to be interrogated by any of their dormmates, especially since the boys haven't moved out yet.

"How did he even die? He was a ghost, wasn't he supposed to be the immortal one here?" I asked Caleb. He let me sleep in his bed while he would stay on the floor, same with the others. But for now he was sitting next to me, staring blankly at the wall.

"He was tied in salt water soaked ropes. Salt is every ghost's weakness. That's how they killed him, they materialised him and then killed him. Gruesome." He muttered. He seemed to be somewhat in denial. I mean who wouldn't be? A student just died, and the criminal clearly knew what he was doing, otherwise Champe would still be alive.

"Who would kill a student, ghost or not?" Mary asked us, her voice quivering. She was still shocked by the crime and she was probably the only one who completely accepted it already, whether she liked it or not. She was lucky for that. She got scared, she cried, she's still shivering but she is down to earth, seeing everything clearly. And where were we? Staring at the walls, like they could give us answers. Needless to say the walls refused to show us Champe's killer.
Mary's question went unanswered. Nobody knew who would want to do something like that or who had the guts to actually do it.
There was a knock at the door, that I thought would go unanswered as well. But Abe got up with a long sigh, walking numbly to the door. I didn't even look to see who it was, for I didn't really care. So I turned down most of the conversation.

"We're looking for Y/n." A familiar voice said, breaking my train of thoughts. The others looked at the door too, as Abe let the visitors in. To my surprise they were Peggy, John, Herc, Alex and Eliza. Their faces showed worry, but I didn't yet know for what, or for whom.

"Y/n!" Peggy cried, engulfing me in a hug. "We were worried." She whimpered. I felt bad for Pegs, she really cares for me and what do I do? I shut her out while she's worried sick about me.

"I'm so sorry Pegs, I was just a little shaken today." I told her apologetically. She released me from the hug, still looking worried.

"What exactly happened today?" She said getting off the bed. "Thomas, Lafayette and James know what happened, that's why we're so worried, but they refuse to tell us anything. I even had to tell Sam to eavesdrop on them while I'm gone."

The others looked at me expectantly, but I had no idea what to say. The teachers said not to let anyone else find out about this. But since the guys already know.....

"A student died." Anna clarified, before I had to say anything. "He was our friend, and he was spying on a bounty hunter who goes by Aaron Burr."

The guys looked surprised. I don't think they ever considered something so dreadful such as a student dying. Fear took worrie's place, writing itself across their features. I could only imagine what it meant for them, the danger they were possibly into.

"We know Aaron." John admitted. "We have known him for a long time. Trust me, I don't think it was him. He is set on his ideals of a world without truth in fairytales, but he can't kill. He wouldn't have done that."

"Yeah, well he did!" Ben insisted. "And he can do it again, and again, and again and again till we're all gone! So whose side are you on?"

"My own!" John yelled stubbornly.

"Let's face it, Aaron's a coward, he's not fit to be a hunter. I don't know why you think he is but you should reorganise your list of suspects." Alex added. "It wasn't him."

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