Chapter 3

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     Grey light was speaking through the window when I woke up the next day. I yawned, stretching a bit to get the sleepiness to disappear. The rain finally stopped, meaning the power should be back on, but dark clouds were still hovering menacingly over the town. I looked to the clock on the wall, deciding that I could waste another 5 minutes in bed before getting up to start my first day of college.
      I gazed absent-mindedly around my small room, looking over all the details. I liked it, despite the deficit of space and the sloped ceiling. It had a window, unlike Sam's, a wooden desk, an old-looking closet and a fluffy bed. What more could someone ask for? And to add to this, a peaceful atmosphere-- Oh, did I say peaceful? My bad.
          I jerked up at the sound of yelling coming from outside my room. With a sigh I got out of bed, heading to the door, not bothering to change out of my pyjamas. I stepped in the common room I shared with my two dormmates, looking for the source of the yelling. Samuel was on the couch with a bowl of cereal in his hands, eating peacefully, like nothing in this world could disturb him or stop him from eating breakfast.

      "Morning"  I greeted him.
     Sam turned to look at me, giving me a soft smile. It was nice seeing him all calm and not freaking out like last night. Hopefully the storm won't return tonight.

        "Good morning, Y/n." He greeted me back, his voice coated in a British accent I didn't know he had. Well, the red head must have came here all the way from England. I thought about asking him about it, but right then Peggy slammed the door shut, stomping in the common room, angrily. I thought Peggy looked really strange without her bubbly self. But to my surprise her bad mood didn't last too long. Once she spotted me, a smile crossed her features, while also jumping over to me, crushing me in a hug.

      "G'morning roommate!" She chirped happily.

        "Morning Pegs. What was all that yelling about?"

        She released me from the tight hug, letting me take in her appearance.  She was still in her yellow pyjamas that had daisies all over and, to my amusement, she wore a pair of fluffy fish slippers.

           "Well, there was this student, I think his name is Aaron or something, and he came here asking if we've seen something paranormal last night. And he just kept on insisting I tell him. Ugh, the nerves of some people. I think paranoia is getting to him." She sighed, walking over to the small table, taking a bowl of cereals for herself. I did the same, slumping on the couch next to Sam.

         "This is good Sam. You should cook more often" Peggy praised him. She was right, I don't know what he did with the cereals but they were delicious.

       "Talking about breakfast" Peggy continued "Y/n, you probably don't know this but each floor has its own kitchen. Lunch is served in the cafeteria, sometimes dinner is too. But we make breakfast ourselves. And don't worry, the fridge is always full. And the kitchen is always open so we can do whatever we want."

       I nodded in understanding, before saying "Well we should take turns making breakfast".

         "I agree" Peggy said. "Sam made it this morning. I'll make it tomorrow and you can do it after that, Y/n. Though I can't wait for it to be Sam's turn again."
         We chuckled slightly, enjoying our bowls of cereals.

          When the last class ended, me and Peggy, who is also a freshmen ( and so is Samuel), wandered the halls together as we talked about the most random things.
        "Wait, wait, wait..... so your name is actually Margarita?" I giggled at Peggy. She rolled her eyes, playfully, giving a small nod.

        "Yeah, but it sounds too fancy for me. Peggy sounds cheerful and childish. Like me!" She beamed, again with that wide smile of hers. A smile that seemed to be sculpted on her face, one that was so full of happiness it gives you the feeling that you could never be sad around her.

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