Chapter 4

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A loud scream rang around my room, making me jump awake in utter, frightening darkness. The storm was still going strong outside, doing me no good in calming down my nerves.
          The scream was followed by muffled sounds, footsteps hurrying around and what sounded like choking. I reached blindly under my pillow taking out a flashlight, assuming that the candles I set around would no longer be working. I got out of bed as quietly as I could, peeking my head in the common room. Silence.
          The footsteps stopped, as well as the choking, leaving the dorm in an eerie silence, that freaked me out. The door to Sam's room was wide open, soft light coming from inside, probably from his fairylights. I moved towards it gingerly, only to stop once my bare feet came in contact with some sort of liquid. I swallowed hard, nervous to look down. Maybe it's just a leak from the ceiling, I tried to calm myself. My eyes trailed down, widening when they reached the floor. My breath caught in my throat, my mind stopped working for what seemed like hours, panic taking over my whole body.
          Through my sharp breathing, I stepped through the pool of blood into Sam's room. Thunder roared above, loudly, mimicking the sound of a canon firing. The storm only seemed to intensify at the same time as my heartbeat.
              Reluctantly I looked around the room for Samuel, but I wasn't ready for what I got instead. The room was covered in blood looking worse than any horror film I know, the reality of the situation sending shivers down my spine. The source of theblood was laying on the bed, where there was a pool of blood, some of it dripping down on the floor in a slow peculiar manner. But the scariest sight of them all was in the pool of blood.
         Sam, or at least what I assume it was Sam, was laying in the red liquid, his body ripped in half. His broken in two bones were sticking out from either sides, his insides scattered between them. His skin has been peeled off of his face and his eyeballs were nowhere to be seen. The only thing that could tell you who this body used to belong to was the mess of ginger hair, now drenched in dried blood.
            My eyes were sewn to the bloody mess, as my breathing slowly transformed into desperate gulps of air. Suddenly, I felt sick, the smell of blood and the dreadful sight making my stomach roll and turn upside down with disgust and fear. I, unconsciously, backed away, feeling numb to it all as I reached the hall. I turned away from Sam's room, only to find the bathroom door half-open, candlelight leaking through.
           Barely thinking straight, I went in the bathroom, scanning it with the flashlight. It wasn't drenched in blood like Sam's room, which made me believe it was clear. But I had a horrible feeling pushing me closer to the bathtub. The bathroom wasn't big. It had a toilet, a sink with a mirror and a bathtub with a small window above it.
              As I looked in the tub, the numbness quickly vanished, finally letting tears fall from my eyes. My heart was beating out of my chest, and I struggled to breathe through my panting. Peggy was laying in the tub, with a silver dagger stuck into her chest. If it wasn't for the sharp weapon, you could mistake it with a sleeping girl, but the unsettling presence of the knife and the absence of her breathing gave away the fact that she'll never wake up again. My knees buckled making me fall down beside the white, slippery texture of the tub.

        "No..." I whimpered, quietly. Sobs raked my body as the whole situation started to sink in. Peggy and Samuel were both.... gone....... I let out a pained cry, choking on my own tears that showed no sign of slowing down. No..they can't be dead. It all happened  so fast....

            Examining the situation for what seemed the first time, it was even more spine-chilling. My blood turned cold as I heard footsteps coming from the common room. Whoever did it, I thought, is still here. And they aren't finished. I stared at the door, seeming unable to move as the footsteps came closer and closer, until...

           I jumped up, as a scream echoed in my room. I was still panting, all covered in cold sweat as I realized that all I've experienced was nothing but a terrifying nightmare. I let out a breath of relief, only to realize someone screamed just like what happened in my dream. But there was no choking, just hurried footsteps racing from one room to another and a muffled conversation. This time I left my flashlight where it was, under my pillow, and walked blindly to the door.
             The door to Sam's room was open, like it was in my nightmare, light leaking in the small hallway. Thankfully there was no trace of blood, hut worry still managed to get a hold of me, with the nightmare still in mind. I stepped into Sam's room finding Peggy comforting a crying Sam that hid under the blanket.
           As soon as Peggy noticed me, her brows furrowed in concern.

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