𝟑: 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐝

104 6 17

She wakes up at 6:58am, just in time to start her morning routine. With half an hour to spare, she gets out of bed and makes it, ensuring that the pillows are fluffed up and the blanket is neatly straightened. As she walks towards the window, she reaches for a cigarette from the box and her lighter. Opening the window, she sits on the windowsill, enjoying the fresh morning air as she lights up the cigarette and bring it up to her lips.

She inhales the smoke, slightly burning her throat in a way that she enjoys. There is a knock on the door, she yell 'come in', knowing it's Draco with the knock.

"Morning Eden." Draco greets her, still in his joggers and t shirt he must have worn to bed last night.

"Morning, you okay?" Eden smiles back to him, blowing smoke out of the window.

"Yeah, mind if I join?" He points to the cigarettes.

"Yeah go ahead." She shuffles back a little, giving him space near the window.

He grabs a cigarette and kneels on her bed, perching his arms against the windowsill, giving his head access to the window.

"I'm excited to see my timetable, I hope it isn't too bad." She speaks up.

"Yeah same, I hope I don't have DADA first, I don't think I can bare with having Umbridge at 9 in the morning." 

"That would be awful." Eden sighs, knowing her luck she will definitely have DADA first.

"Anyways, I best get going, I'll meet you in the common room in 20 minutes." Draco says, jumping off of her bed and leaving to go back to his dorm.

She stub out the cigarette and goes to the bathroom, jumping into the shower. She cleanses her body with the mint shower gel, lathering it all over her skin, ensuring that every inch is covered. She lets the water wash away the impurities, leaving her feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Stepping out of the shower, she reaches for a soft towel and wraps it around her body. She quickly grabs her toothbrush and toothpaste, brushing her teeth as fast as she can so that she can begin doing her makeup.

With swift strokes, she brushes her teeth, ensuring that every surface is cleaned and freshened. The minty flavour leaves a tingling sensation in her mouth, making her feel awake and ready for the day ahead.

Making her way to the vanity, she sits down and prepares to apply makeup. She opts for a light and natural look like usual, using concealer to cover any blemishes or imperfections on her skin. With gentle strokes, she blends the concealer seamlessly, creating a smooth and even complexion.

Next, she reaches for her brush and she carefully combs through her black hair, leaving it sleek and shiny. Once her hair is styled to her satisfaction, she proceeds to dress in her uniform. Finally, she heads towards the common room to meet Draco for breakfast.

They walk to the Great Hall, still catching up from random things that happened during summer. They sit down on the Slytherin table, grabbing some eggs and toast for breakfast. She pours herself and Draco a goblet of water each, bringing it up to her lips and taking a sip from the cold water.

They finish eating and Snape walks up to them, handing them both of their timetables for the year.

Monday- Potions 9am-11am, Herbology 11:15am-1:15pm, DADA 2pm-4pm

Tuesday- Transfiguration 9am-11am, Charms 11:15am-1:15pm, Quidditch practice 2pm-4pm

Wednesday- History of Magic 9am-11am, Potions 11:15am-1:15pm, DADA 2pm-4pm

Thursday- Quidditch Practice 9am-11am, Transfiguration 11:15am-1:15pm, Charms 2pm-4pm

Friday- Herbology 9am-11am, History of Magic 11:15am-1:15pm, Free periods 2pm-4pm

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