-Where do you think you're going?

-Oh we are on talking terms now? I thought you were deaf. It seems you are just an asshole.

-Call me that one more time and I'll sew your lips together."

I ignored what he said and frowned. Now that I could think I suddenly realized that this man did look very familiar.

"Wait... Where have I seen you before?"

The man rolled his red eyes:

"Don't act stupid. I am your husband.


I started laughing but that hurt my head so I stopped. It seemed the stranger was very serious so I asked:

"Then what's your name?"

He sighed but answered:

"Ephraim Dupree.

-Doesn't ring a bell."

I froze.

"No... Wait. Say it again.

-Ephraim Dupree.

-No! Shut up!"

The man frowned. He was way scarier like that:

"What did you just say?"

I took three steps back:

"You can't be. Does that mean..."

I ran to the closest mirror:

"Am I Sliske Wraith?

-What are you playing at? Who else could you possibly be?

-No, no, no, no, no..."

I grabbed my head:

"No! I don't want to! This is stupid! This must be a joke!"

The man got up:

"The only joke here is me putting up with this nonsense for so long. Now that you are fine we can depart for the Capital.

-Nope! I ain't going anywhere! Especially not with you! I don't want to die!

-Could you stop screaming for three seconds? Weren't you the one complaining about the noise? Why are you being so paranoid? You are not going to die in the Capital.

-Not yet! But you will kill Sliske! Or me. Or... Anyway, you are the worst husband ever."

I started digging my finger deep into the man's chest. He didn't like it and grabbed my wrist.

"You neglected Sliske for years and got rid of him as soon as you didn't need him anymore. Okay he was a brat and he was spoiled and he was difficult to live with but that doesn't mean you could kill him! I can't live with you. You are terrifying. I'm out. Bye."

I ran back to the bed and laid down under the covers:

"What do you think you are doing? The knights are waiting for us.

-I don't care. Shut up and let me sleep. I want to wake up from this nightmare."

The man walked up to the bed and lifted me from under the covers. I was so surprised that I bit him to the bone. He immediately let me go and I could finally hide under the covers.

"Leave me alone! I am not going anywhere.

-You! Fine, then just do as you please. I am going to take you there once you fall asleep."

I laughed:

"You won't take me. You'll take Sliske.

-That crazy..."

The man sat down but I couldn't fall asleep and that was pissing me off. I suddenly jumped up:

"You bastard.

-What could I possibly have done now?

-Where is the kitchen?"

He frowned:

"Don't you know after 7 years?

-I am not Sliske! How many times do I have to tell you for that stupid head of yours to understand?"

The man jumped up, his hand on his sword:


-Where is the kitchen?

-... You really don't know?

-That's what I have been saying!

-... Ground floor last door on the right."

I jumped out of bed and ran there with Sliske's husband following close behind me.

"What are you looking for?

-None of your business. Found it!"

I remembered from the Webtaan that they kept poison in the kitchen inside the cookie jar. It would be found out when one of the maids discovered it and used it to poison Ephraim and Sliske's child, Arora. A small portion would make an adult fall asleep and would be fatal to a child. I remembered clearly that the maid used three drops. I immediately drank them and seeing me do so made Ephraim jump towards me, grabbing my arm:

"What has gotten into you? Are you crazy? What are you doing?"

I pushed him back:

"Don't touch me!


-I am not Sliske for fuck's sake! I am Acheron and I am going home!"

I could finally feel the effect of the poison and smiled:

"I'm going home."

BL I don't want to reincarnate!Where stories live. Discover now