2 Hours In ???

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The three of them were on their way to the hole that had first brought them to this made up world. They collected every theory that made sense to them, some more than others.
They came to some conclusions:

They had all been directed to this place by the same creature. A hide-behind. It had been observing them while they were working on this stupid path in the woods. It was in fact the only mystical being in Gravity falls and it could not be seen by most people, unless you have triggered it to attack you. But what exactly was the reason it attacked them? No people have gone missing on hikes or tourist tours.

The other beings could potentially have been taken from it too. Why would it take anything supernatural out of Gravity Falls? Why would it want to hide all of these things away?

And lastly, if it had been watching everyone who was working on this path, was it after Mabel too?

The thought sent shivers down their spines. They'd have to get out of here fast. The other twin was in great danger and there was no time to lose.


Finding back to the hole turned out to be far more complicated than expected. Almost giving up, Pacifica had the enlightment. The atmosphere was making it a lot harder to not get out of breath but it did however provide them the answer. The soft earth under their boots left smudged but identifiable prints in the ground. Now given that no outer forces had contributed to wash them away, they should be able to trace back their steps.

The way was tiring but the progress was steady. Eventually they found themselves standing in front of the wall covered in plants.

They let their hands sink into it. Dipper and Wendy went in first while Pacifica was hesitant to touch the damp weird looking green. She looked around once more. Blue sky, pine trees, moss, bushes, all those things that might or might not be real, it was hard to wrap her head around it. For her, this only a few minutes, maybe a few hours had passed. How long had it been for their beloved town?

With her eyes closed, she pushed through the vegegation, thin twigs tugging on her hair. It felt as if this place tried to hold her back. From what? What was it?

The other two were already waiting impatiently.

"Here's the plan." Wendy said, pushing her sleeves further up her arms. "Dipper, you and I help her get out of this shit hole and she goes to get help. You fine with that too?" She turned to the blond girl standing in front of her. There was a nod of approval as an answer.

"Good. So what you wanna do is step on our hands and jump up as high as you can and I'll do my best to push you up further. I hope you have some upper body strength for the last part."

Pacifica was certain that muscles were not her best trait, but she had no options other than trying.

Dipper and Wendy got closer to the hole wall. They leaned to each other and stretched out their hands. The light was dimmer than before and sort of orange. "Ready?" Dipper asked, making eye contact to make sure her response was genuine.

"I think so." Pacifica put one hand on the shoulder of each of her two friends for support and, after a deep breath, jumped.

Her boots felt slippery on their hands but they held her up fairly well. For a split second she stopped feeling their hands, but right after her feet were held firmly and she was elevated further up. The supposed brim was in range and she stretched out her arms.
Earth was difficult to hold on to, but her will to get out of this was making up for it.

She dug her nails into it again and again. Each time crawling just a little more out of the hole.

Pacifica was panting when she fell to her side. It was done. "Everything ok up there?" Dipper shouted.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I'm gonna go get help now. I'll be back soon. "

"We'll be waiting right here. Not like there is anything else to do." The twin joked, his joke not landing quite as much as intended.

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