Departure And Arrival

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The morning arrived sooner than both of them expected. When they woke up, they had breakfast with their parents. While their dad was excited for them to go out into nature again with their free will, their mom was worried to death. Both of them have no idea what happened with their kids a few years ago. Whenever they asked, Mabel and Dipper would make up silly short stories.

"Do you have that with you or do I need to bring it?" The twins were excited and wanted to make sure to not forget anything. They were gonna be away from home for weeks. Each of them had a suitcase overfilled and barely closing and a backpack with food and anything that could entertain them on their bus ride.

Their mom drove them to the bus stop. She waited till their bus came and hugged them goodbye. "Take care!"

Beside the two, the bus was empty. Not much of a surprise. The driver had sun glasses on and didn't even look up when they got in. He put his foot on the accelerator before they could even sit down. They chose the two seats in the back to be all alone in their conversations. The ride was several hours long and they took turns falling asleep on the other ones shoulder and looking out the window.
Grey tall buildings passed by like a hand drawn animation from the early 20th century. Over time the view got more colorful, more fields, then the trees. Those wonderful deep green trees that spread big shadows on the ground to cold it and everyone that has the pleasure of walking on it. It was a sight that was instinct in the but cities. Only few people are as fortune as to know of this town that was outside of Oregon.

Even fewer people took the time to appreciate the beauty of it. And only a handful were aware of the magic that hid behind every corner, invisible to the oblivious eye. You can only see it, if you've spent a lot of time studying the very creatures and phenomenons that were manufactured by the magic of this place. Or was it the creatures and phenomenons that made Gravity Falls so extraordinary? Noone knew, but one was still asking himself this question over and over again.

Dipper had bought a new notebook for this trip. Already, he was scribbling words and phrases and presumably pictures in it. Mabel was snoring away on his shoulder and he made sure to not let her know about it. "I was just bored." He'd say when she'd wake up.

He wasn't just bored. This entire trip had the single purpose to bring clarity to his ever-growing curiosity. He had made plans to walk through the woods all day in hope of finding creatures that not even Ford had picked up on. Though, that was very unlikely, the odds weren't zero and that was enough for him.

The bus finally came to a stop and Dipper put the book into his backpack quickly before waking up his sister. "Hey, wake up. We're here. We're in Gravity Falls!" Those last two words reached her even in her deepest state of unconsciousness. Within seconds she was awake. With a sleepy voice she said "Really? That was fast.".
They said their goodbyes to the bus driver, who showed not even the twitch of a muscle of a reaction. They wondered if he was an actual person or not. "I bet he's made out of gnomes." Dipper guessed. Mabel could only take that joke half-heartedly. She wasn't very fond of seemingly human people that turn out to be gnomes. To this day, she was still a little disappointed that her first boyfriend turned out to be a both of small rude creatures that wanted her to be the next gnome princess. Why couldn't he have been a vampire? Or a werewolf? Honestly, she would have even taken him as a cute zombie too.

When they got out, Soos greeted them. He was the only one that they had regular contact with. A few years ago, he had married Melody, the sweet girl that he met in a mall. They hit it off immediately and after a period of a long-distance relationship, Melody moved to him and ever since then worked in the Mystery Shack. They made an absolutely adorable couple.
You could tell, that ever since the twins left, a few wrinkles have formed in his face. He hadn't even hit the 30s yet, but owning his own shop and having a family was stressful from time to time. He didn't mind. He loved this job with everything he had and wouldn't change it for anything.

"Oh guys, I've missed you so much!" the three of them hugged. "Wow dude, you're like actually talk now." Soos said to Dipper. It was true, he had grown a fair amount. He wasn't like super tall or even close to Soos, but he definitely went through some growth spurts and it really boosted his confidence.

Soos took Mabels suitcase and they walked to the good old Mystery Shack. The air carried a coniferous smell from the trees and they played "count the squirrels".

Mabel won that game of course. Dippers mind was more focused of looking out for something weirder.

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