"Lady Amber"
She looked around.
"Lord Tyrion"
"I was not expecting you here," she told him
"I thought you were busy whoring and drinking"
"Oh I am, just taking a break"
He did slur his words a bit so she could tell he was drunk.

For a long while they just sat next to each other.
She opened and closed her mouth. As if he sensed it he stood.
"Well, my lady I must continue my...."
"Yes of course"
"Good night lady Amber "
"I was not judging you for being a dwarf lord Tyrion"
He looked shocked but recovered quickly.
"I never said you were"
"But you thought it"
"Everyone judges me lady Amber"
"Well not me, not about that anyway"
"Thank you, lady Amber"
She just smiled and watched him go.

She sat for a while until she stood as well. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her Shadowcat waiting for her.
"Ser knight were you protecting me?" she said in a voice only reserved for her knight.
"Yes, yes you were"
Sometimes the huge, scary Shadowcat was a little puppy.
"Well I still can't sleep. let us go to the Godswood."
Her god was the lord of light but in Westeros especially in Winterfell were no temples.
So she decided the gods of her mother would do.

The stroll to the Godswood was nice and she thought the night would end well. Until she saw lord Stark there.
She wanted to turn around but lord stark already saw her.

"Lady Amber"
"Lord stark. I couldn't sleep so I came here but I don't wish to disturb you so I'll-"
She couldn't even finish her sentence before lord stark interrupted.
"Please stay"
She sat down next to him.

An uncomfortable silence surrounded them.
"Lady Amber I wanted to apologize-"
Now it was her turn to cut him off.
She didn't say anything, just help her hand up.
After another few minutes, she finally gathered the courage to ask him the question she always wanted
"is it true lord stark? Did you love my mother?"
He didn't elaborate.
She felt herself grow tired.

"Will you tell me about my uncle lord stark"
His face softened and he smiled
"Of course"
He began telling her about Ser Arthur Dayne and the smiling knight and somehow he ended up telling her North folklore.
She fell asleep with a smile on her face next to her, her very own knight.

She woke the next day in her bed.
She got out of her bed and made her way to the great hall.
There she saw the girls and Lady Catelyn break their fast.
"Good morrow," she said
"Lady Amber "Sansa and Arya said at the same time and quite loudly.
As she sat they started to tell her all about their plans for the day.
Lady Stark and Daenyra just listened amused.
Most of the men were not there as they went for a hunt.
But for some reason Jaime Lannister wasn't.

"Lady Amber it is good to see you again"
"Ser Jaime" She replied while smirking.
It's almost as if we were another person in his presence. One more confident maybe.
"Why didn't you join the hunt?" she asked him
"I don't like to hunt and someone has to be here to protect My sister and her children," he told her
"If you are protecting your sister, why are you here?"
"I just wanted to talk to you"
She raised her eyebrows.

"You are my Queen of love and beauty after all"
She just smiled
"Well I shall be leaving my lady now that I saw you"
Now that you saw Ser Arthur Dayne in my face
"A good day Ser Jaime "
"To you as well my lady"

The rest of the day was nothing extraordinary.
Daenyra sat in the great hall while watching the royal children, except for Prince Joffrey, play with her Shadowcat.

"Why is his name Ser knight lady Amber?" Asked Prince Tommen
"I named him for my Uncle Arthur Dayne. I didn't know his name when Ser Knight was gifted to me, I just knew he was a knight."
"The sword of the morning" The Princess exclaimed.
"Yes," Daenyra said while laughing.
Her head began to ache.
"I will be right back your graces," she told the children.
"Ser knight stay"
Outside she stood for a few moments before she heard something fall from a high place.
She turned around confused.
Her eyes widened.
Not something, someone
"Bran" she screamed

A/n:I wanted the chapter to be longer but not much happens in the first episode.
Well expect for the big thing at the end
Before Ned goes to kings landing I wanted him and Daenyra to interact and maybe even bond a little.
They I'll meet again (and yes in the Godswood) and interact with each other.
I am a firm believer that it was Ned who loved and "defiled" Ashara at Harranhal and not Brandon.
I also took the old gods as the gods that house Dayne believes in since they are more first men then anything.
I wasn't quite sure how to write the scene with Tyrion and Daenyra but decided on this.I don't really want them to bond(yet!!)but I did want respect between them(but Daenyra is not quite there yet).
I also wanted to add Jaime's love and admiration for Arthur Dayne.
We know he is ready to hurt children but I do believe he would protect Daenyra because of her relation to Arthur.
I hope you liked it and the chapter will (hopefully ) get longer.

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