Chapter 30

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Felix pov~

The vampires quickly flashed away at a blinding speed. I chased after one of them and dived down for him. I latched onto his shoulders and engulfed him in flames. He quickly  died, and his ashes fell to the ground.

I turned back and saw another vampire was trapped in vines by Aurora, and Steven had another one trapped in a whirlwind. The wind died down, and ashes flew away from it. I turned away and twisted my head back and forth, looking for the last one. I could not see it, nor did I know which way it had gone.

"No.. no, no, no," I mumbled to myself worriedly as i hovered in the sky. The vampire trapped in vines below me started to laugh. I hissed quietly and flew down to him. I landed in front  of him, standing high above him, and glared angrily down at him.

"What is so fun," I hissed, and bits of fire spit out of my beak as I did. He stopped laughing and smirked up at me, looking directly into my eyes with no fear.

"Now that one of us got away, there is no hope for you to save your precious mommy," he smugly replied in a teasing tone. "Once word gets back to the four masters, they will instantly start the plan and corrupt her," he finished in a chuckle and closed his eyes, excepting death. I flared up in rage and burned him till even his ashes were no more.

I stood there breathing heavily. My fire flared up every time I exhaled. Steven flew down and shifted to human form and came in front of me. Aurora came up to the side of him.

"Calm down, Felix," Steven tried to soothe me, I jerked my head down to him and fanned out my flaming tail feathers.

"Calm.. down," I repeated slowly, "WHEN WE HAVE EVEN LESS TIME TO GET TO MY MOM NOW," I screeched at him, and he stumbled back and fell to the ground. Aurora knelt next to him, making sure he was alright, then glared up at me.

"This will help nothing," she yelled back at me, but I didn't really hear her. All I could think of was my mom. I screeched as I tossed my head back, breathing out a large stream of fire toward the sky. I looked back down, fire leaking out of my beak as I breathed heavily.

I was about to attack anything around me when I suddenly started to feel like I was weakening. I stumbled and fell to the ground as my fire went out. I felt really weak and drained,  but i did not have my burning rage anymore. I weakly turned my head to the side to see all of the fire nymphs brightly lit up beside me.

"We had to take your fire to calm you down," the one at the front explained in a calm voice. I slowly shuffled to my feet and lay on the ground with my wings tucked behind me.

"Thank you.. I am sorry," I mumbled as I hung my head and glanced at Steven. Him and Aurora were both standing up now. "I did not mean to hurt you, Steven," I mumbled and looked up to them with my head still down. They sighed and waved me off, but I still kept my head down.

"Thank you, all of you have saved us from those monsters," the fire nymph from before said greatfully. "Now, are you staying the rest of the night, or are you leaving to save your mother," it asked and put a gentle hand on my wing. I raised up my head and stood up tall.

"We will save my mother," I responded firmly with a nod of my head and looked back down to the fire nymphs. They all smiled up at me and touched my wing. I felt my body strengthen, and I lit on fire once more. I spread out my wings and did a loud screech, feeling stronger than before. I turned my head back down to them. The fire nymphs looked a lot dimmer now, even less than before they took my fire.

"We gave back your fire and then some of our own to help you on your journey," it timidly said and looked down at its feet. "Make sure to hit those vampires hard," it mumbled shyly. I was a little shocked that these peaceful creatures wanted me to kill the vampires on their behalf and chuckled. I bent my head down to their eye level.

"They will regret ever messing with me and hurting you," I promised to them then nodded toward Steven and Aurora. Steven shifted into his owl and took off into the sky, Aurora followed after him. I took one last glance at the nymphs. All of the elemental nymphs had come out and were waving goodbye to us. I flaped twice and was soaring through the sky.

Sparks of fire were coming off of me as I flew, and I let out a screech of farewell to the nymphs. I let my fire burn out and flew up beside Steven and Aurora.

"I am extremely sorry for what I did," I quickly stated to Steven and Aurora. They turned their heads to me and then looked back forward.

"You will just have to repay us later.. maybe with a bubbling hot spring," Steven chuckled out. I rolled my eyes at the thought of the three of us sitting in a stream and me warming up the water for us.

"Ok, sure," I sighed out, which made Steven grin widely, well as much as an owl could smile with a beak. Aurora hummed her happiness at that. I was happy that my friends forgave me, but now I had to concentrate on getting to my mom as fast as possible. We could reach the destination much faster now that we were flying. I looked to see that the sun was soon to come up in an hour and huffed.

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