Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Ferretpaw, can you really do this?

From the shadows of an oak tree, I watched the sea of cats ahead of me. They talked in muted whispers, glancing to and fro, waiting for their leader to come. I flexed out my claws, and dug them into the soft, peaty earth, trying to keep myself grounded, even though my mind was still spiralling.

Cats will die. There's no denying that.

I watched as Littlepaw laughed at a joke Ripplepaw had just made, the pale brown tabby smiling warmly up at my littermate. Beside them, Bubble licked Puddle's ear, while the two of them sorted through a bundle of herbs. Flow sat stiffly beside Spikeclaw, who was muttering, likely vulgar words, under her breath.

Minnow and Ketchup tousled in the long grass on the edges of the clearing, while Spike, Shadefang and Dijon watched them solemnly. Coriander muttered something under her breath to Bean from the edge of the clearing. The rest of the cats were restless, pacing up and down, tails flicking.

They don't deserve this. How can I send them into battle, knowing that several of us may never get to breathe the warm salty air again, never again lounge on the beach, watching the sunset?


I can imagine it too clearly...Applespot getting to Littlepaw or Ripplepaw before I can...Them lying limp in a pool of bloo-


I let out a yelp of alarm as I felt some cat prod me in the side. I was about to raise the call of alarm, when I realised that the cat staring up at me was my mother.

Wolfwhisper's flanks were plastered to her sides, the scars Dewstar had given her all those moons ago, glowing faintly in the moonlight. Her claws were scratching at the dirt, but her eyes...Her eyes were wide with pity, as she stared up at me.

"Wha-" I began, but Wolfwhisper cut me off. She swished her tail across my back.

"Going to battle is never easy," Wolfwhisper rasped, eyes growing hazy. "The concept of death is a terrible thing, isn't it? It's never something that, even after I've seen it happen so many times, I can ever fully grasp or understand."

"Tell me about it," I muttered.

Wolfwhisper continued on, her tone more bracing. "But you see, Ferretpaw, sometimes battles must happen. We must fight for what we believe in...You showed me that, you know." She paused, staring at me. "What are you thinking?"

"I-" my voice trailed away. I sucked in a breath. "I'm scared...Scared that my friends are about to die."

"I'm scared you are going to die, my daughter," Wolfwhisper meowed quietly. "You've always been one for risky stunts..."

"Yeah?" I let out a bitter huff. "Like the time I tried to attack Dewstar as a little kit?"

Wolfwhisper smiled ruefully. Then, she exhaled in a rattly sort of way. "Thank you, Ferretpaw."

I blinked. "For what?"

"For showing me how to live again, after my friend..."

"She's not your friend!" I exclaimed. "You have so many better cats that would love to be your friend!"

Wolfwhisper rested her tail along my back, and then grinned grimly. "Now come on, let's do this. It's finally time."

I turned, and stared at the blazing look of fury and warmth in my mother's ice-blue eyes, and gave her a tight nod. Then, inhaling the salty tang of the ocean air, I turned, and stepped out of the shadows.

Beast of the Sea - WARRIOR CATSUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum