Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"Ferretpaw!" Moonpoppy exclaimed as I dived down the rise towards ShoreClan camp. "What are you doing?!"

I didn't have time to explain, merely kept on running. The wind had picked up, though the chill that probed my pelt came not from the raging skies, but rather from the memories of Dewstar laying on the earth, screeching in simultaneous pain and excitement.

"Is it my littermate? Honeypaw?! Are they okay?"

I turned my head to see Bushpaw sprinting to keep up with me. He looked at me as though he was seeking some sort of reassurance. That sensation felt strange, and I instinctively slowed so that he could keep pace with me, though I was on high alert.

Shorefeather and Frogstream were sharing tongues, Shorefeather chatting vivaciously about something (likely mousebrained, knowing her,) while Frogstream gave a content smile, as though merely thankful that some cat wanted to be around her.

The only other cat in camp was Moonpoppy, but the obsessively loyal silver tabby clearly wasn't going to abandon her post guarding the camp. For the first time, as I surveyed the peaceful, almost drowsy atmosphere of camp, I finally appreciated the way every cat supported and found comfort in one another. Perhaps the only reason I realised this was the impending doom.

"Ferretpaw?" Bushpaw looked at me worriedly. "My littermate? She's all good...right?"

Finally, hearing the desperation in the young tom's voice, I stopped in my tracks. I stared at the young cat, who was digging his paws into the pale coloured sand worriedly. He looked so much younger than me, and I wondered if that was how I had looked when I started my apprenticeship. Perhaps not. Perhaps I had never let myself experience the joys that came with being young, desperately trying to grow up and understand why all these terrible things had happened to me.

"Honeypaw?" I echoed numbly, gaze raking the camp to see where Ripplepaw and Littlepaw were being held.

Nothing felt right. I felt as though everything was slowly spiralling out of control, as though my paws weren't my own anymore. My mind felt as though it was wandering completely free of my body. My head ached, and my mind whirled, making thinking straight near impossible.

I have to find...but Pubble and Budd- who was I looking...They need to run! I stared across the sandy terrain, finally locating the bone cages where my friends were being kept. I tried to sprint towards them, but then realised that Bushpaw was holding my tail with all his strength.

"Foxdung!" I swore, turning on him. "What do you want, kit?"

Bushpaw was trembling, but he stared at me with determination that reminded me exactly of his mother.

"My littermate," he murmured, voice barely a whisper. "Where is she? Why are you running? Your fear scent..."

Staring into his bleak orange gaze suddenly jerked me back into reality. I took a long, deep exhale, staring up at the incoming storm clouds overhead, then back at the forest, where twisting roots looked like dark eyed snakes.

"Look," I rasped. "Honeypaw's fine. Dewstar has got powers. She'll be here soon, and I need to free my friends. And if you don't-"

The bone necklace around my neck suddenly detached itself. I watched in shock as it flew several tail lengths, before landing with a dull thud against the sand. I glanced back at Bushpaw, and he gave me a shy, nervous sort of smile.

"Okay, where do we start?"

"We?" I bared my fangs. "What are you getting at, kit, trying to drag me back to your evil littermate or something?"

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