Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Let's just say our plan to casually stroll out of CaveClan territory didn't go according to plan.

Okay, perhaps that's an understatement. It was going horribly.

"Come back here!" Flickershade growled ferociously, breath hot on my tail as I swerved to the left, narrowly avoiding a pile of tumbled black rocks. The dyingblazed overhead, making my fur feel clammy, while my paws felt as though they were shriveling up under the intense heat of the day.

"Maybe we should just drop the rock!" Bubble meowed in my ear. "Puddle's still recovering from, uh, whatever happened to him."

"We can't drop the Shimmersalt," I panted back, urging him to keep running as a dark grey tom tried to nip at his hind legs. "We need it, honest!" This is the only way I can free the clans of their corrupted powers.

"Spies and murderers!" Morningpaw snarled, voice dripping with anger and hurt. "And to think we were kind enough to welcome you into our cave!"

Cave...I glanced back at the CaveClan warriors, hoping that they were panting under the heat, and that their bulky shapes were slowing them down, but the five warriors and Morningpaw, who were chasing us, were clearly very passionate. I wasn't sure I could blame them. They don't understand that we're doing them a favour.

I shoved Bubble hard in the behind, internally screeching that we had to keep running. In the distance, there was a rise with grass. I narrowed my eyes abruptly; were my eyes going out, or were their four toms on the hilltop...?

"Mistpaw!" Ripplepaw yelped suddenly, my white littermate putting on an extra burst of speed, pushing herself to the front of the crowd of us runners. "Please, help us!"

"Shadefang, Bubbleburst," Littlepaw exhaled painfully from somewhere behind me.

And then the four toms were pelting down the hill. I finally saw the cats, pelts glowing in the dying sunlight, fangs exposed, claws unsheathed. Shadefang glanced at me, giving me the curtest of nods, before he passed me and lunged towards Morningpaw.

Bubbleburst was beside him, lunging towards the clan deputy, with blazing amber eyes. I saw the way he flashed a rare smile when his claws sunk into the CaveClan cat's flesh; the black and white tom was happiest in a conflict.

"Follow us!" Mistpaw yowled to Puddle, Bubble, Ripplepaw, Littlepaw and me. There was something shining the colour of lavender in his jaws.

Without so much as a backward glance, I sprinted after Mistpaw and his friend, exhilaration flowing into my limbs as we ran downhill, away from the enraged CaveClan warriors. As soon as we reached the edge of the hill, the other GladeClan tom, Doepaw, gestured at his to follow him into a patch of wild lupins.

"We'll hide here," he announced, smiling kindly at our bedraggled group.

"I should check on the other guys," I meowed.

Doepaw shook his head. "I will," he meowed, gesturing to his brown pelt, which would be able to move through the long grass and dirt unseen. "I will make sure your comrades know where you are hiding."

With that, he departed, flicking his tail which had nearly healed burn scars, and I was left with my friends and Mistpaw.

Puddle and Bubble turned and began whispering to one another uneasily.

"We really have to hope ShoreClan knows how to help Whisper," Puddle meowed, wincing slightly as he settled to the ground. "Or at the very least that Minnow and Flo found something to keep her with us."

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