Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

They say that I had the strongest power in ShoreClan history...Even stronger than Seawhirl's ability to transform into different animals. Even stronger than that of the elder, Snailshell who is invincible in battle. But they fear me, because my power scares them.

They find it too primal.

For the longest time, I was the powerless apprentice, the cat who had nothing to give to a clan of legends. I was a shadow, flitting around behind my best friend. She was strong, and every cat expected her to be a deputy one day, even though that was usually reserved for toms.

That changed the day I was about to become a warrior.

There was one cat I loathed with every bone in my body. A tom, who was about to become an apprentice. At that time, there were few spots available for apprentices, so they wanted to change me into a Bottom Feeder, even though I had been a regular apprentice all through training. I wasn't good enough for them.

So on that fateful day, right before the ceremony took place, I told him that I wanted to meet him by the shore. The old kit laughed at me, but grudgingly came along. I had no idea what I was going to do, maybe scare him into submission. But that all changed the moment he came along, carrying the body of a pup.

A wolf pup. A creature I had been trying to hide ever since my best friend managed to use her legendary powers to mortally wound what I assume to have been its mother. The moment I saw that creature, that pup, rage permeated my body.

And the power that I never knew I'd had came crashing down onto me.

I don't remember much of that day, though my best friend says she saw it all.

The powers blinded me, and I drove him out into the water. He ran, thrashing wildly, but unable to escape the jaws of the ocean. Even when he tried, I used my power, and the waters swallowed him whole.

You probably wonder where I am now. I am about to run, run far away from here, because now that best friend has revealed the truth to everyone. Right now, I am running a paw down your side, Oceankit, trying to send these final warnings to you. I fear that you will receive the same powers as me, and that she will come for you and try to do what she did to me.

The sea holds many secrets.

"Ferretpaw! Ferretpaw!"

I rubbed the side of my head, wishing desperately that the splitting agony would go away. I was dimly aware of another cat nudging my shoulder emphatically. Gradually, the black spots which swirled around my vision like miniature stars began to dissipate, and I found myself looking into Littlepaw's panicked stare.

"I'm fine," I mumbled, my voice still coming off slurred. "Yyyou cann gett off mee."


The paws instantly dropped off my shoulder. I exhaled slowly, trying to calm my quivering limbs. I had to be strong, I had to be fierce. And what in StarClan's name was that?! I tried to pull back what I had heard while I had been unconscious, trying to make sense of what the cat had said. I didn't understand; everything had come out so quickly.

"How long have I been out for?" I asked, hoping that that would make Littlepaw stop staring at me with her petrified eyes.

In fact, it wasn't Littlepaw that responded, but another voice entirely. I couldn't see the speaker, but I knew who it was instantly.

"Quite a bit. The gathering's likely almost wrapping up by now," Ripplepaw meowed tensely.

Now the black swirls had fully dissipated from my vision, and I was keenly aware of my surroundings. Far off in the distance, I heard the chatter of cats, echoing off the cave walls. In the dimly lit cavern, I was aware of the ferret, a little ways away from me. Its head was slightly ajar, allowing me to see the exact wound that had killed it, as well as...the cream fur, and the silver tabby fur!

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