Let me go

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I got ready for the day. I heard Nikki's voice. Last night she came and said that she wanted to stay here. I went to the front door. " Oh hey Iris. Where are you going?" Zora asked me." Out, " I said. Zora nodded. I left and went out. 

Walked around near the church, and then I saw Sophia." Sophia!" I said as I went up to her." What are you doing here?" I asked her." I thought that you didn't like to go to church anymore," I said." I came here to talk to mom. I have some news, " Sophia said." Come with me." Sophia said. I just nodded. Sophia knocked on the door. " Come in," Mom said. Sophia opened the door. We came in and closed the door after ourselves. " What are you two doing here?" Mom asked." Is everything okay?" Mom asked. She looked at me. I just shrugged my shoulders. "A.J. came and found me at school, " Sophia said. I was shocked. " When?" Mom asked. I just leaned onto one of the couches. " Yesterday," Sophia said, " Where is he, now?" I asked." I don't know, " Sophia said." He took off and didn't say where he was going, " Sophia said." So why are you here?" Mom asked. I looked at Sophia. She looked as she was about to cry. " Because... I wanna be here for you when you two hear what I have to say, " Sophia said. I was really worried. I looked at mom. " And what do you have to say?" I asked." I found a bunch of prescription drugs in his bag," Sophia said after taking a deep breath." He's guilty, " Sophia said. Mom looked like she was about to faint. " Mama?" I asked. I went up to her and I hugged her. I think she was in the state of shock. I pulled away. I heard my phone ringing. I looked. " Who is it?" Sophia asked," Raven, " I said." Go, it's okay," Mom said." Are you sure?" I asked." I will stay if that will make you feel better, " Sophia said. I nodded. I hugged mom for the last time. I then left the office and picked it up

R: Hey, Iris, can we meet up?

I: Yeah, sure. I think we need to talk.

R: Oh, okay. I am at the gate.

I: I am coming.

I hung up, and I went back to the estate. I then saw Raven at the gate. " Hey, let's go in," I said, and Raven nodded. We went in through the gate. We just sat together at the edge of a little bridge on the lake. " So why did you call?" I asked." We haven't talked in a while, " Raven said. I nodded. " You know things never stop happening in the Greenleaf family," I said. Raven nodded. I was thinking about what mom told me 2 days ago." Iris, I want us to have a life. Just tell me you want the same thing, " Raven said. I looked at her. Maybe mom is right. Every time I look at her, I don't see her anymore. I only see the person who broke my heart. " You have to let me go," I said. " You have to let me let you go. I need you to do that for me, " I said." W-What do you mean?" Raven asked." I can't feel like I felt for you before anymore... I mean, I still love you, but you don't make me feel safe around you like you used to . I'm really sorry to have to tell you this, but It's been weighing on me for a while, and I wanted to be honest with you. I understand if you're upset," I said. Raven just shocked her head. " No, I get it. It's okay, " Raven said. She got up and left. 

I looked around and took a deep breath. I pulled up my sleeves a little bit and saw the new scars. I felt my heart beating in my chest. " Hey, Iris," I heard Sophia say. I pulled down my sleeves quickly and turned around. I saw her in the car. " Want a ride to the house?" Sophia asked me," Sure, " I said. I went into the car. " So what did Raven want?" Sophia asked me." She wanted to spend some time together, " I said. Sophia nodded. " I ended stuff with her for good," I said. " That's good," Sophia said." Is Mama okay?" I asked her." Yeah, she is fine... but she is worried. " Sophia said," A.J.?" I asked." Him and also you, " Sophia said." She doesn't have to worry about me. I am fine, " I said with my best fake smile. We then got to the little parking lot.

We went into the cabin. Zora and Nikki were laughing about stuff on their phones. I just went into my room and I saw an envelope on my bed. " Omg," I said as I picked it up. I opened it. " Omg!!" I screamed. The three of them ran into my room. " I got in!!!" I screamed." OMG, " Zora said. She went up to me and hugged me. " Got in to what?" Sophia asked." The Voice, " I said." I got into the Blind auditions, " I said." Omg, congrats," Nikki said. She came up to me and hugged me. Then Sophia hugged me. " Congrats," Sophia said. " Should we celebrate?" Nikki asked." Let me text Jayden first, " I said as I got my phone out



I: Sure, can three more people come with us?

J: It's a party for you. So why you asking me?

I: Okay, see you later

" Okay, let's go out to celebrate," I said. We all went out to celebrate a party. Once we were done, we went back to the cabin. " I am going to go see mom and tell her the news," I said to Sophia she nodded. " Okay," She said. I went into the house. I went upstairs. I knocked on mom's room. " Hey, baby. What's up?" Mom said," Mom, I have some news. " I said," Oh god, good or bad?" Mom asked." Good... Actually, it's very good, " I said." Okay, hit it. I really need some good news, " Mom said." I got into The Voice, " I said." Oh my god, I am so proud of you, baby, " Mom said excitedly. She came up to me and hugged me. I hugged her back. " Thank you so much." I said." I can't believe this is actually happening. Something is actually going good, " I said." Well, I am going to go back to the cabin," I said. " You know that you can come back here if you want to," Mom said. " To your old room." Mom said. I nodded. " I will think about it," I said, and I went back into the cabin and lay down on my bed. I do miss my old room. I got ready for bed. I closed the door and tried my best to calm down my mind.

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