Uncle Mac

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Today, once I woke up. I had to get ready for church. After church, I went on a walk. Once I was walking. I sat down on a bench. I saw Mac walking towards me. I got up, and I was about to leave, " Iris. We need to talk. " He said, "No, we don't," I said." Don't be stupid, Iris, " He said." Fine. What do you want?" I asked him." Why don't you come with me?" He asked." I don't trust you, " I said." You are smarter than that, Iris. " He said, "No" I said" What if I tell you that your mother damaged my car and i can press charges and also ruin her life and your grandparents" He said. I can't let that happen. "Fine, " I said. We went somewhere to a coffee. He bought me a drink. I drank it slowly. Once I finished drinking it, I started to feel weird, " Iris? Are you okay?" He asked." What did you put in my drink?" I asked him." I didn't put anything, " He said." Come on, let's go, " He said. He got up and grabbed my arm, and dragged me somewhere. I saw him getting me into his car. I couldn't control my body. I felt out of my body. I am so scared. I was supposed to go to a dinner with mom, Darius and Sophia today. I tried to stay awake for as long as I could. But then I felt like I couldn't keep my eyes open.

I woke up. I heard siren's from outside. I saw someone coming into the room I was in. I am so confused. " Sweetheart? Are you okay?" I heard a female voice." What's going on ? Where am I ? Why am I naked ?" I asked as I felt tears in my eyes. I felt in pain. I looked at my scars, and they were still covered. Thank god. " Hey, it's okay. Let's just get you dressed, and let's get out. Okay? What's your name? " She asked me. I nodded. " Iris," I said . I got dressed with her help because of how much pain I was in. I saw blood on my legs. " We will take you to the hospital. Okay, sweetheart?" She said. I nodded." Okay, come on," She said. She put a blanket around me. Then we left the room. I saw blood and stuff smashed on the floor in the living room." W-what happened?" I asked." Let's just get you out of here, " She said. I saw that it was dark outside. I saw an ambulance and police outside. Which gave me a lot of anxiety. She helped me go down the stairs. I saw mom sitting in an ambulance with the police talking to her. She looked beaten up." Mama!" I shouted. She looked straight at me. But the woman dragged me into the other ambulance. " We have to get you to the hospital first," the woman said. I sat in the ambulance. She sat next to me and closed the ambulance. Then I felt it drive. The woman started to do some tests. " Can you tell me what the last thing that you remember is?" She asked me." Wait. Where is Mac?" I asked." He put something in my drink. I know it." I said." You went with him to get a drink. Even though you knew what he could do?" She asked me." He pressured me into it. I tried to get away, but he grabbed my arm and.." I said, but i stopped because I couldn't remember anything else," Iris. Did you have consensual sex?" The woman asked me. I got taken aback by that question" N-No. I didn't, " I whispered. I felt my breath picking up. " I want my mom," I said out of breath. " She will meet us at the hospital, sweetheart," the lady said. I just looked down, I started to cry, " I am so stupid." I choked out, " No, you are not. You just got tricked. But it isn't your fault, " the lady said. We got to the hospital, and they took me in to take an exam because they were sure that he raped me. They also did a rape kit on me . I felt like crying the whole time. I can't remember anything that happened, but It hurts so bad. Once they finished. A nurse came in and gave me the clothes. " When will I be able to see my mom?" I asked." Soon, sweetheart, " the nurse said as she took the dress gown.

After a while, the door opened, and mom came in. " Mama," I said. She came up to me and hugged me, and I hugged her back tightly. " I am here, baby. I am here, " I heard mom repeating." I am so sorry, "Mom said over and over again. I nodded" He won't hurt you anymore, " Mom said. I pulled away from her. I looked at her. " How do you know?" I asked her. She whipped away the tears that were going down my cheek's. " I just know." She said, " Mama, what happened?" I asked her. As I looked at her face and her hands" I came there looking for you. I was right... Baby, did he do something to you?" Mom said. I nodded. " The doctors think that he did. But I can't remember anything right now. My whole body hurts" I whispered " Your grandparents are outside waiting for us" Mom said" I am scared to go out there" I said" I know, baby" Mom said" But there is no one here to hurt you. The doctors said that you can go home." Mom said. I nodded. " Let's go home," I said. Mom kissed my forehead. Then I took my stuff and we left the room. I saw Grandpa and Grandma. Both of them hugged me. " Let's get you two home," Grandpa said. I nodded. Once we got into the car. I sat next to mom and put my head on her shoulder.

Once we got to the house. I went upstairs to my room. I took a quick shower. I felt disgusting. I changed into my sleep wear. I laid on my bed. There was a knock on my door. I looked who it was. It was Sophia. " Hey, sis," She said. I didn't reply. She sat at the edge of my bed. " I want to say that I am sorry." Sophia said. I just kept looking out of the window. " Mom told me about what happened to you today. And I want you to know that through this time. I will be here for you, " Sophia said." That's what everyone says, and then they end up ignoring you when you need them the most, " I whispered. Sophia took my hand. " I promise you that I will be here. I am your older sister. It is my job, " Sophia said." Are you really?" I asked her. I looked at her, and she nodded. She had tears in her eyes. " I am," Sophia said. She laid down next to me on my bed. " What are you doing?" I asked her." I am going to stay with you today, " Sophia said." Do you know what happened to him?" I asked." No one told you?" She asked." Told me what?" I asked her." He's dead, " Sophia said. I was shocked. " Wait... What?" I whispered, "Mom?" I asked Sophia. She nodded. " Oh my god," I said, " What are you feeling?" She asked me." I feel scared for mom, but also happy that he is gone, and that he can't hurt anyone else" I whispered . Sophia nodded. " I am so happy that you are okay," Sophia said. I am not, but I can't tell her that "Me too," I said. " To be honest... He had it come. He only had himself to blame " Sophia said" I-I guess so" I whispered. 

I heard my phone ringing. I saw that it was Raven. I picked it up. " Raven?" I asked. Sophia looked at me, confused. " Hey Iris. I heard what happened. " She said," Oh..." I said." Yeah. I just wanted to check if you were okay, " Raven said." Okay. Well bye, " I said, and I hung up. I put my phone down. " So, what was that about?" Sophia asked me." I can't talk to her or even see her without crying. I don't want to cry anymore. At least not today. I am way too tired, my whole body is in pain " I said. Sophia nodded." Okay," She said. " Do you think Mama will be okay?" I asked." I don't know, but maybe him being dead will make her stop those crazy behaviours, " Sophia said." Did you get to meet Darius today?" I asked her." Yeah, " Sophia said." How is he? Is he nice?" I asked." He is very nice. And I think you would like him. He is very tall, " Sophia said. I just rolled my eyes. " Taller then, mom?" I asked her, and she nodded." Wow, this guy must be a giant, " I said." He is, " Sophia said, and we both just laughed." I missed us talking like this. Not fighting, " I said." I know, right?" Sophia said. After some time of talking, we both fell asleep.

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