Coming back

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Iris's outfit^^^

Today, our mom is taking us back to her family for 2 days. Because of her sister's funeral. I never met them, but I hope that they are nice. As a driver was driving us, there was a lake with a huge house across it. " Wow," I said. I wasn't really listening to what the others were talking about since I was so focused on the view and my music that I was listening to." Can we get off here, please?" I heard Mom say. I looked at her confused. " Well, the house is just up the road here." The driver said, " I know, but could we-" Mom started. " Why are we stopping?" Sophia asked. I just shrugged my shoulders." Right here is great, " Mom said." Okay, " the driver said.

Once the driver stopped, we all got out. "Hope I didn't say the wrong thing." The driver said," Not at all." Mom said. "I just wanted a chance to stretch my legs, you know?" Mom said." How far is it to the house?" Sophia asked." Not far, just wait a second, " Mom said. I nodded "This is beautiful" I said while looking around" My mama used to love your preaching" The driver said as he got out the suitcase" Hope I can say that" The driver said," You've seen her preach?" Sophia asked" Oh, yes" The driver said," I can't imagine mama preaching" I said to Sophia" Me neither" She said" My mama used to go to Calvary every Sunday when she was alive. She used to drag me there when your mama was preaching. She said,' How come you can't find a righteous girl like that, Eugene?' Why are you always running around with these trashy hoes?'...I am sorry. That is how my mother was, " the driver said." Oh, no, no, no. It is all right. They have heard it all, " Mom said. I got my bag, and I went up to the lake. Then I saw Mom and Sophia coming here too. " Are you okay?" Sophia asked mom." Yes. Just wanted to stop, " Mom said." Is that the lake where Aunt Faith..." I started, I looked at mom, and she just nodded. She took a deep breath and started going. " Better get going," Mom said

We started walking until we saw this huge gate with a "G." On it, " Wow," I said. " Yeah. Did not look like this when I lived here, " Mom said." They have made some improvements, " Mom said. I could not help but smile as Sophia and I looked at each other. Me and Sophia are 1 year apart. Sophia is 15, and I am 14. A lot of people tell me that I look just like mom, but I have Father's blue/ greenish eyes and Sophia is a mixture of mom and father but has mom's eyes " Hi. I am Grace Greenleaf, " Mom said." I am sorry, Miss Greenleaf. "I heard you guys would be in a town car," the security said." "Yeah, I just... wanted a walk," Mom said.

As the gate opened and we walked in, a man came up to us. " Hey, Noah," Mom said. " I'm so sorry." He said, " Yeah, me, too," Mom said. I could tell there was something between them. " Thank you," Mom said. " Sophia, Iris, this is Mr. Kendall" Mom said" Head of security" The man said as he first shock Sophia's hand" Nice to meet you" Sophia said and then he shook my head" Hello" I said" Um, I'll drive you out to the house" He said" I'll take these for you" He said as he took mine and Sophia's Bags" That'd be great. Thank you, " Mom said." So how far is it to the house?" I asked as we were walking to the car." It's about a mile or so." Mom said." Wow, " Sophia said. Once we got into the car, it was incredibly quiet. " So, are you still reporting for the news?" Noah asked as we were closer to the house." "Yes," Mom said. "We might be moving to New York, " Sophia said." Sophia, " Mom said." For what?" Noah asked." She is going to be on '20/20'" I said." Seriously?" Noah asked." No, " Mom said." That is big time, " Noah said." I just interviewed twice, " Mom said." They haven't even offered me the job yet." Mom continued." But you will get it, " I said." We will see, " Mom said.

I saw the house. " Does the whole family live here?" I asked" Yeah, " Mom said. " Wow," Sophia said, and I nodded. Once we got out of the car. An older man, which I am guessing, is mine and Sophia's grandpa. Come out of the house, " the prodigal daughter returns," He said as he came down the huge stairs, " Daddy," Mom said. Then they hugged and I saw two more people coming out. "You know what Isaiah said," He said to mom" Isaiah said a lot of things, Daddy" Mom said" Oh, let me take a look at my beautiful granddaughter's." He spoke. We both came up to him, and he hugged us both at the same time. " I have waited so long to meet you both," he said. Then once we pulled away, we started talking a little bit. " Sophia, Iris!" Grandma said." So, tell me, how was your flight?" Grandma asked." It was good, " I said.

We went upstairs to put away our stuff for these 2 days. " So, what do you think girls?" Mom asked." It is a genuinely nice house, " I said, and Sophia nodded." We must prepare, "Mom said, and we nodded." We got ready, and then we saw everyone walking out. Once we got to the grave, grandpa started to speak, " As your servant said long before us,' Where shall wisdom be found? Where is the place of understanding?" Grandpa said, and I saw the man behind him looking at me smiling. His name is Mac. Mom told me and Sophia to keep our distance from him. I took Mom's hand.

Once we got back to the house. We all went our separate ways. Sophia and I went with mom to her room. " So why didn't it work out with you and Noah?" I asked as I sat on the bed as mom was taking out her clothes from her suitcase." He seems nice, " Sophia said. Her phone started to ring. " That obvious, huh?" Mom said," Kind of, yeah." I said," Ugh, I have to work on my poker face, " Mom said as she picked up the phone." All right, get washed up for dinner," Mom said as she left the room." You did not answer our question," I said. " I know. Hey, " Mom said." Who is it?" Sophia asked." It's your great-aunt Mavis, baby." Mom said. I nodded, and I got washed for dinner.

We all sat in the dining room. I was sat between Sophia and mom. " Senator Bob Banks is coming by your office tomorrow morning before service." Uncle Mac said, " Why? Is he asking for money for his campaign? Doesn't he know what we are going through right now?" Grandma asked," I tried to reschedule, but--" He said," I am happy to have something to move on to, in all honesty" Grandpa said" Well, maybe he's breaking up with that crazy wife of his" Grandma said" You remember the last time we were in Washington at their house?" Grandma said." She was dressed like something out of Star Wars, " Grandma said, and everyone laughed." Who's Bob Banks?" Sophia asked." He is the senior senator from Tennessee, " Grandpa said." He is coming to church tomorrow morning for a visit. He is coming to ask me about David Nelson. That trigger-happy police officer, "Grandpa said." He is a member at Calvary?" Mom asked." No, he is on the roll, " Grandpa said." So, he is black?" I asked," On the outside" Mac said" Oh, Mac" Grandma said" But see, Bob believes this fella has confessed to me given me some kind of privileged account about what really happened that night. But I've never even met the man." Grandpa said," You said he's a member" Mom started" Well, he is, but we have 4,000 people every Sunday, Gigi" Grandpa said," I don't know half the people there" Grandpa said " Now can we talk about something else?" Grandpa asked." I mean, I'm tired of borrowing trouble." Grandpa said." Yes, Bishop. Yeah." Grandma said," What church do you go to in Phoenix?" a lady asked mom" We're at Fountain of Life" Mom said" Aw, they must be so blessed to have you, with all your experience" She said" Yeah, well, I don't think they even know that I'm there, honestly" Mom said" We pretty much just go Christmas and Easter" Mom said" Really?" she asked." Work keeps me busy, " Mom said." Oh, well, that is interesting. " She said," Are you still Christian?" She asked. To be honest, I don't really like her." What?" Mom asked." Come on. What is this, an inquisition?" Uncle Jacob asked," No it's a conversation" She said," It's something people have when they're in the same room and their phones are off" She said" Mother, may we be excused" Zora asked" Of course. Flee, flee!" Grandma said," I would, too, if I wasn't anchored here, " Grandma said." Hey, Zora, sweetheart, where are you going?" Uncle Jacob asked." Just around, " Zora said." Okay, stay together, " Aunt said.

The three of us left outside, and we started running to this little tower. Once we got on top of it, " So what is this thing?" Sophia asked," An oral lookout tower from the Civil War" Zora said," Just when I tough this place couldn't get any cooler" I said," This whole estate used to belong to an old lady called Miss Davis" Zora said," When she was killed it turned out that-" Zora started" Killed?" Me and Sophia asked at the same time." Yes, " Zora said." Are you serious? "Sophia asked." She was murdered, " Zora said." By whom?" I asked." Some random guys, " Zora said. After some time, we went back to the house. I went to my room. I got ready for bed; I fell asleep quickly after that. 

This is how Iris looks like:

This is how Iris looks like:

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