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Today is the cotillion. Everyone was getting ready once everyone was ready, and we got there. We had to take a family photo. As we stood for the photo. I made sure Sophia's dress was good.. Dauris was here with us as mom's plus 1. Also, I could tell that there was something with Zora that she didn't want to say. I am worried about her. Once everyone got their pictures, we all went in, and we moved away from the main floor. I stood next to mom. She was recording Sophia coming in with Grandpa. Mom looked so proud.

They started to dance. After they finished everyone went their separate ways and I went up to Sophia and Roberto " Sophia you looked so beautiful dancing with grandpa" I said" thank you sissy" Sophia said. After some time, they had to do their dance, and we all sat down. I could tell there was something wrong with Zora. Her boyfriend left, and Zora ran after him." There is something not right, "I said. Sophia went after them.

After a few seconds, Sophia came back, and she was coming up to the table" Uncle Jacob?" Sophia said," Yeah, sweetie, what's up?" He asked." I just saw Isaiah hit Zora, " Sophia said, and I felt my stomach dropping." He did what?" Uncle Jacob asked." Isaiah hit Zora?" He asked." Oh, my word." Mom said. We all got up. " Where is she?" He asked." Where are they?" He asked." They're right there, " Sophia said. Then we all went up to Zora. " Yeah?" She asked." You okay?" Uncle Jacob asked." What are you talking about?" Zora asked ."Did Isaiah hit you?" He asked." Sophia just told us Isaiah hit you. " He said,' You what?!" Zora said angrily," Zora, please, " Sophia said." Hey, answer me, " Uncle Jacob said." He did not hit me, " Zora said. Then Isaiah came in. " Hey, little boy, did you put your hands on my daughter? " Uncle Jacob asked him." I don't know what you're talking about, " He said." Did he hit you?!" Uncle Jacob asked. "No!" Zora shouted back. Now, this is a big scene. " Yo, I didn't do nothing, burh," Isaiah said, and then Uncle Jacob hit him. But then Darius held him back. Zora ran off, and Aunt Karissa and I ran after her.

She locked the bathroom. " Zora, open the door," Aunt Karissa said, and now Sophia and mom got here "Zora" she said. " Go away," Zora said . " Karissa, can I try?" Sophia asked." Sure, honey, " She said." Zora, it's me, " Sophia said." Sophia, you are the last person that I wanna see right now," Zora said. I thought about giving it a go. " Z, please unlock the door. You don't have to come out. Just let me in. Please, " I said. There was some silence. Then I heard the door unlocking. I looked at the rest. Mom nodded. I opened the door and closed it after myself. " Do you need a hug?" I asked her. She looked at me and nodded. I went up to her and hugged her. She hugged me back. After a little bit, we pulled away. I saw tears going down her cheek. I just whipped them away. "What do you want to do right now?" I asked her." I want to disappear. " Zora said." Well, you can't do that, " I said." Why not?" She asked me," If you would, then who would I have to be the best sister and best friend. You didn't ruin anything. We are all just worried. We want you to be with someone who makes you happy, that respects you. That loves you. And what he thinks is called love. You are worth so much more than that guy. You are a million times better than him." I said." And if you ever need me, I'm here. Even when you won't need me, i will still be here for you, " I said. Zora nodded and smiled ." I want to go home," Zora said. I nodded, I took her hand and whipped away the rest of her tears. " You ready?" I asked her, and she nodded. We opened the door and we saw everyone out there. " You okay, honey?" Mom asked Zora. Zora nodded. "I wanna go home," Zora said. " Okay, come on, honey," Aunt Karissa said, and they started to leave. I took a deep breath, and I went after them with Sophia.. 

Then Me, Sophia, mom, and Grandpa got into our car and drove home. " That was a lot," I whispered. Sophia took my hand. " What did you tell her to get her out?" Sophia asked me," Just that she deserves someone better than him. Someone who doesn't treat her this bad," I said. I felt so bad for Zora. Once we got home. I went straight upstairs. I went into my room. I called Raven.

I: Hey Raven

R: Iri, baby, you okay?

I: Not really

R: What happened

I: I just found out that Zora's boyfriend was abusive. She was going through all of that on her own. Then she also had all the stuff that I put on her. I feel so bad. I started to cry

R: Iris, you didn't know. Usually, the people who get abused in a relationship cut people off. Just because they are scared but they also think that they deserve it happening to them.

I saw mom coming into my room

I: Hey, I have to go but call you later?

R: Of course. I love you, bye

I: Love you too, bye

I hang up. "Hey, Mama," I said as I whipped away the tears. " I wanted to check if you were okay, and I can see that you aren't." Mom said as she sat down next to me. I just nodded. " It's just that once Sophia said it. I felt my stomach dropping, and I just felt really guilty, " I said," Baby, there is nothing to feel guilty about. He is the one who should feel guilty." Mom said," Okay, " I said." I am worried about Zora. She deserves so much better, " I said." I know, sweetheart. She will figure it out, " Mom said as she bran me into a hug, and I hugged her back." I need to go to sleep. I am so tired, " I said. Mom nodded and kissed the top of my head. " Okay baby, I am always here to talk. Even if you don't believe it's true, " She said as she got up." Thank you, Mama, " I said." For what?" Mom asked me," Loving and caring for me. Never giving up on me... And for saving my life, " I said. I saw mom tearing up a little bit. " I love you so much, Iris," Mom said. " Love you too, Mama" I said. Mom left the room. I then went to sleep.

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