The deck

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Today is Zora's birthday. She's going to be 18. I got ready, and then I went downstairs. Everyone was here apart from Mom, Sophia, and Aunt Charity. We were singing her happy birthday" Happy birthday, sweetheart" Aunt Karissa said" Thanks" Zora said" Happy birthday Zo" I said" Thank you" Zora said to me" I get to eat cake for breakfast" Winkie said" If you put the word coffee in front of it." Grandpa said, and we all laughed." Don't get used to it here?" Grandpa said to Winkie." We got a surprise for you, " Aunt Karissa said and gave an envelope to Zora." Is it my phone?" Zora asked." Your phone, yeah. That's funny, " Uncle said." Tickets to see Hamilton?" Zora asked." Yes, " Aunt said," Okay, so there are only two tickets, so I thought we could make a mommy and daughter date, " Aunt said to Zora." Mmm... Yes! Yes!" Zora said, and they both laughed and hugged." When's the performance?" Grandma asked." It's tomorrow night, " Aunt said." Oh, what a shame, " Grandma said." Why is that a shame?" Aunt asked Grandma." Well, Zora's on punishment." Grandma said." Well, it's her 18th birthday," Aunt said. " Actions have consequences," Grandma said. " Well, aren't you gonna say something?" Aunt asked Uncle. I saw that Zora looked very sad. I took her hand. They started talking, and Grandma gave everyone a piece of cake. " Are you ready for some cake, little man?" Grandpa asked Winkie. Zora pushed away her plate. Once this thing ended.

Zora went upstairs and into her room. I went after her. " This isn't fair," Zora said. " I know, but Zo. I am sure there will be more chances to see Hamilton." I said." Can you leave? I want some time alone, " Zora said. I nodded. " Of course," I said. I left the room. 

I thought about what me and mom talked about last night. I went outside. I walked around the estate until I stopped right in front of the deck. I took a deep breath. I slowly walked towards it. I felt tears in my eyes as I started to remember that day. I looked over the water. " I hate you so much," I said like he could hear me. " For everything that you have done, to me... And to my mom, " I whispered the last part." There was no one that deserved to die as much as you did, " I said. I took a deep breath. " And you can never hurt me and my mom again," I choked out. I whipped away my tears.

I then went back into the house. I saw Grandma sitting in the family room. I came in, and she looked at me. " Grandma, do you have a problem with me?" I asked her." What?" She asked me." Ever since you found out. You have been ignoring me, looking at me like I am the most disgusting thing ever. You make me feel like a disgrace to the whole family, " I said." You are just like your mother, aren't you?" Grandma asked. I looked at her, confused. " You hate me. I know it, " I said." But I can't change who I am, " I said." That is nonsense. Everyone can change if they try hard enough, " She said. 

I saw mom coming down the stairs in the corner of my eyes. " So c'mon, suck it up and forget this nonsense, control your emotions," She said. I felt my heart breaking " I can't, I don't want control. I want to let go, " I choked. I felt tears going down my cheeks'. " What is going on here?" I heard mom's voice." Nothing, " Grandma said. I just shook my head. " It's clearly not nothing," Mom said. " Are you okay, baby?" She asked me. I just shocked my head. I whipped my tears away and left the family room, and I leaned my back on the wall." Mama, what was that about?" I heard mom ask." Grace, she is a sinner. She should be sorry to God, " Grandma said. I covered my mouth to stop myself from sobbing. "Why should she have to say sorry? Tell me, do you even listen. To all the dumb stuff you're slippin'?" I heard mom say, "We can love who we want to. Don't say she's not supposed to, " Mom said." Grace, it's not right!" Grandma shouted." What would you do if it was you, huh? Hiding how you feel. Saying things like love ain't real. All just to conceal that you're not society's ideal. Hearing what they say. About those who feel the same way, " Mom said. "Girl, when will you see? She doesn't know what she wants. Trust me, I know what she needs, " Grandma said. "No, you don't... She doesn't have to say sorry. Not to you. Not to me, " Mom said." Not to God?" Grandma asked. "Not to anyone," Mom said.

I left and went upstairs into my room. I sat on my desk and wrote some songs. I heard a knock on my door. I saw that it was mom. " Hey baby?" Mom said. I looked at her. " Hey," I said. Mom came up to me and kneeled down in front of me. " I love you so much, baby. I am sorry if your grandma's words hurt you, " Mom said. I felt tears going down my cheek. I just nodded. Mom whipped away the tears. " Thank you, Mama," I said. " So what happened?" Mom asked." I just wanted to know why she always ignored me and looked at me like she hated me, " I said." I don't think that she hates you," Mom said. " Grandma said that I am just like you," I said. " Well, you are my daughter. So what else did she expect? " Mom said with a smile, which made me smile." I love you too, Mama, " I said. I hugged her tightly, and she hugged me back and kissed my head. " How is Sophia?" I asked mom." She is getting there, " Mom said. I pulled away. " Thank you," I said. " For what?" Mom asked me," For not forcing me into reading the bible. Or doing something for the church" I said" Sweetheart, I would never make you do anything" Mom said" Also thank you for always being there for me, and supporting me" I said" Always" Mom said. I just smiled. I heard my phone ringing and I saw that it was Jayden. " Pick it up," Mom said. She got up and kissed my head and then left the room

I: Hey Jay, what's up?

J: Hey Buttercup...

I: Oh no. What's wrong?

I already got a bad feeling in my stomach

J: Can I come over. This doesn't feel right to say over the phone


J: Okay, see you soon, Buttercup

I hung up and took a deep breath. What is this about? I am honestly terrified. Then Jayden got here. I stood up of my bed once Jayden came into my room. He looked really worried, " Iris. I don't know how to tell you this. " His tone of voice was grave, and he spoke very slowly, as if every single word he said held a deep sadness." What is it?" I asked. "I saw Raven with another girl." He spoke with a heavy heart, and I could tell that he was really upset by the news he had to share. I could see the worry in his eyes as he spoke, and my heart sank right along with his." W-what?" I said," A-are you sure it was her?" I asked him, and he nodded. He took his phone out and showed me a picture. It was Raven. " Omg," I said as I took the phone to look at it. I felt tears going down my cheeks'. Jayden bran me into a hug. I cried into his chest. " Why would she do this?" I breathed out ." I don't know. If you want me to. I can find out, " Jayden said." Am I really that ugly?" I choked out." No. You are the most beautiful girl ever. I am sure that this isn't about anything that you have done or about how you look, " Jayden said. Once we pulled away, I whipped away my tears. " Can you leave? I need some time, okay?" I asked." Are you sure?" Jayden asked me. I nodded, and I just gave him a small smile. " I will be fine," I said. I hugged me one last time and then left. I took a deep breath. 

I went to Sophia's door. I knocked on the door. " Sophia? Can I come in?" I asked," Sure, " I heard Sophia say. I went in and saw her laying on the bed. I came up to her and lay down next to her. " What's wrong?" She asked me." What do you mean?" I asked her." You have been crying, " Sophia said. I just took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling " Jayden saw Raven today, with some other girl," I said as I tried to hold back my crying. " Omg, Iris. I am so sorry" Sophia said and I just shook my head" It's nothing compare to what you are going through" I said and looked at her" I am sorry about yesterday" Sophia said. I just shook my head. " No, it's okay. You are in pain, not only physical. I understand, " I said." Thank you, Iris, " Sophia said. After some time of talking, we both fell asleep.

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