Chapter 1: Max

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Messed Up

Written By: Want to Be Tbdl© Jan. 2022

New Writer and Editor: JD © Aug. 2023

Original Writer Notes: It starts when Max meets Julian a shy kid on the bus. Max help Julian through ups and downs and they become friends. A bully takes it too far and the boys have some accidents.

Current Writer Notes: JD here. I just wanted to say that I have been talking to the author of this fine story and was sad to hear that he planned on not finishing continuing it. I know I probably shouldn't pick up another story with a few of mine that are still not finished right now, but I fell in love with this one right away and with a few tweaks, I felt like I could truly make it into my own, while also leaving the original authors imprint on the story. For the most part, the major frame of the story will stay the same, just with a few differences that I hope people will like. I will still keep the story in First Person, switching back and forth between Julian and Max, but like all my stories, diapers will be involved, and maybe the budding of a BOYxBOY romance.

Chapter 1: Max

POV: Max

My name is Max and I'm an 11-year-old boy, in an ordinary town named Ridgway, that is filled with lots of ordinary people. Ridgeway is a town in Massachusetts right outside of Westport. I on the other hand was far from ordinary. Some would say I was cute but I wasn't sure. Since I was a boy, I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be cute. I guess I have always been short and was on the smaller side of what a 10-year-old should be at only four foot three, and that is with some growing over the summer. I was also very slim and was only fifty-three pounds. Because of this, I sometimes got teased last year by the bullies in fifth grade that I didn't belong there but I got mixed up and I need to go back to my second-grade classroom. I usually tried to shake those off as that was what I was told to do by my dad. Only when they started to beat on me is when I felt really afraid. Because of that, I tried my best just to stay out of their way and not make much of a target for myself. The biggest reason though that makes me so unordinary. I had to be the only kid my age who still wet the bed, almost every night. I used to wear diapers for it, but eventually, my parents decided that maybe if they took the diapers away, maybe I would stop if I didn't have the dryness of the diapers to keep me from sleeping through the night as I peed. It never worked though as I still slept through until I woke up the next morning to either my parents waking me or my alarm clock. Because of this, I didn't ever dare spend a night over at anyone's house or allow anyone ever into my room. Maybe when I was younger, I allowed friends into my room but not after I understood it wasn't normal for kids my age to wet their beds, courtesy of one friend who at 6 made fun of the plastic sheet on my bed. Gratefully, he didn't go to my school and was a friend mostly because I knew him as being the son of a friend of my mom's. After what happened, he was never allowed over again.

Summer was over and school was about to start again. I had recently attended with my mom, Student Orientation Night, it was to get me acquainted with the new bigger school I was going too. I could tell right away, that it was going to be nothing like grade school and I almost missed my simpler life as I listened to how our classes would work. I wasn't sure I was ready to start the 6th grade in Jackson middle school. Mom could see my fear in my eyes and tried to calm me down.

"Don't worry honey, you will get used to it. I will also make sure to make you a map of the school with all your classes, your teachers names, and what time they are." She promised me and kissed me on my forehead, in which I suddenly freaked out, quickly looked around myself, and was happy to see that no one seemed to be looking our way.

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