Chapter 5 The School Nurse

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POV: Julian

I don't know why, but I felt a lot better about the situation because Max was there. I don't know why I did, maybe it was because, even though he was small like me, he seemed so much stronger and was willing to be there for me. I could have sworn that I could have felt the anger pouring off of him while he was dragging me out of the gym. That was partly why I was so scared and crying even more. It wasn't until he started to talk to me and showed that he wasn't mad at me, that I was able to calm back down. I could also see, that as I calmed down, so did he. Other then what I thought the normal bond of friendship was, there seemed to be something more I felt towards Max that made me almost feel awkward towards him.

As we started to walk to the office like he suggested, once again there was only nervous silence between us. As I looked silently down at my pants, as I allowed Max to once again, hold my hand and pull me along, I started to get disgusted with myself.

"Why didn't I go ahead and wear my pull up like I was supposed to?" I asked myself. "If only I had, then I would have wet the pull up and my pants would have stayed dry and no one would have been the wiser."

It was the fear of being seen that kept me from wearing it. I was sure that if I used the urinal plenty enough that no accidents would happen. I didn't expect an almost fight to scramble my thoughts and make me forget all about visiting the toilet before gym. I never expected what did happen. I wasn't even sure what I was going to do as my mom wasn't home and even if my dad was there, I doubted he would help me or even answer the phone. I hoped the school would just allow me to go home, I was sure I could figure out how to walk home. I could quickly go inside, get clean pants and a diaper, and change into them and then either come back to school for the rest of the day or skip and check out the town.

I didn't even realize that we had made it to the office until Max said something.

"Hi, can you tell me where the nurse's office is?" He asked. "We really need to see her." He added.

Without even looking at us, the young-looking woman just pointed down the hall, "Third door on the left." She said then quickly was back to being completely absorbed in whatever she was doing at the moment.

We followed the directions and entered the room and saw a plump middle-aged woman with auburn hair sitting at a desk as we entered the office.

The nurse smiled as we walked in. "Hello there, how can I help you today?" She asked us.

he told her awkwardly, making me feel ashamed of myself.

She stared at my pants for a long moment. Then getting up, motioned for me to come over. As I followed the Nurse, Max stood in the corner watching.

"Ok first of all let's get you out of these wet clothes." she instructed me while getting a wet towel for me to use to clean myself. My eyes went big as a few seconds pass. While I just stand there staring at her, she sits back down at her desk, her chair groaning with her weight, and gets on her computer, "What is your name Sweety?" she asked.

Getting nervous again over why she was asking and what she was doing, I stuttered as I answered, "J-J-Julian-n S-Sm-m-mith."

"Okay, yes, Julian Smith, you are in my system here. It seems your mom did come by and drop some supplies off but she did forget to bring extra pants. I explained to her that we didn't normally keep extra clothes on hand and that it was the parents job to make sure that the child had some.

I really was becoming embarrassed as she continued to talk, hinting more and more about my problem, I felt Max's green eyes stabbing me in my back. It took all my strength to keep myself from turning around and looking at him. I don't know why I couldn't move and do anything else but I did have such a strong urge to turn around and look at Max that I had to fight off the urge. Suddenly, what I was wondering is if the Nurse said too much and if he figured it out yet. As the nurse continued talking, I just started to panic more and more.

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