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Hannah stirred in her cozy bed, a blissful smile gracing her lips. Slowly, she became aware of the soft, rhythmic cadence of her breathing, the weightlessness that enveloped her body, and the serene tranquility that lingered in her mind. It was a sleep unlike any she had experienced before, a deep and restorative slumber that had washed away the remnants of fatigue and stress.
With a contented sigh, Hannah stretched her limbs and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. As her bare feet met the cool wooden floor, she felt an invigorating sense of energy coursing through her veins. The morning held a promise of newfound vitality, and she embraced it wholeheartedly.
With each step down the hallway, Hannah's senses began to awaken to the world around her. The soft rustling of leaves outside her window, the faint aroma of brewing tea wafting through the air, and the gentle hum of life awakening in the household. Her heart fluttered with a sense of anticipation, an inexplicable excitement that tugged at her curiosity.
The threshold of her bedroom gave way to the open expanse of the dining room, and there, bathed in the warm morning light, stood Drake. His casual elegance seemed to complement the sunlight that bathed him, casting a soft glow around his form. A smile curved his lips as he looked up from the book he held in his hands.
Hannah's steps faltered for a moment, her heart skipping a beat as their eyes met. There was a palpable connection, a silent understanding that seemed to bridge the space between them. She could feel the warmth of his gaze, a silent invitation to join him, to share in this quiet, intimate moment. Closing the distance between them, Hannah's smile mirrored his as she settled into the chair across from him. Upon sitting a teacup and saucer was placed at once in front of Hannah, the servant poured her a fresh cup and she quickly placed two sugars and a splash of heavy cream in it.
"Goodmorning my beautiful princess, how was your slumber?"
"It was divine."
"Excellent. Are you hungry?"
"That's my girl! Maurice?!" he said, yelling towards the kitchen. A large man with the appearance of a bouncer at a club appeared. From behind the kitchen door.
"What can I do for you General?" Maurice responded.
"I would like two waffles, double whipped cream and triple the amount of cherries." turning to Hannah "and what would you like?"
"Umm, I don't know what you have."
"I will make you anything your heart desires, your highness."
"Drake said that your food is really good, so surprise me?"
"I like her!" Maurice said to Drake. "As you command, princess". Maurice headed back to the kitchen.
"And also sprinkles on my waffles please, rainbow ones. The black sprinkles are depressing."
"This is the best tea I have ever had. Where do you buy it"
"Buy it? I did not buy it. That tea is a family recipe. I have only shared that tea with one other person in the world."
"I feel so special, who was the other person?"
"Wow, double special." She said as she took her first sip.
"Speaking of which, have you given any thought to participating in the ritual in order to get your powers back?"
"I don't know how much I like the fact that my consciousness would be completely erased. I have family and friends that matter to me."
"Oh, sweet baby girl. I have thought about that for you." Drake said as he sipped his cappuccino with too much whipped cream, allowing the silence to set in.
"Go on."
"I have a psychic lined up, she is the best spellcaster I have ever seen. There is such a thing called a remembrance spell. She thinks that she can allow Handu to remember Hannah's memories."
A smile appeared on Hannah's face. "You have really given this some thought." She said,
"Princess, it is the only thing that I have thought about for centuries. Now that you are here I have no interest in letting you slip through my fingers ever again."
The door swung open and Maurice danced through the doorway. Twirling and spinning towards Hannah singing "Be our guest! Be our guest!". Placing Drake's waffles in front of him. "Two golden brown waffles, double whipped cream, triple cherries, and pride sprinkles."
"How come I can't call them pride sprinkles?"
"Because you are not part of the community, we would love to have you. But, you have chosen this gorgeous girlie in front of me. Bonjour, j'ai des crêpes au chocolat pour vous. Bon appétit, ma princesse"
"Merci, Chef!"
"The two of you are so pretentious!" Drake interjected. "You speak French?"
"I know about eight words. Je m'appelle Hannah" Hannah said as they both giggled. Hannah savored each delicate bite of the chocolate crepe, her taste buds indulging in a symphony of flavors. The thin, luscious crepe itself melted in her mouth, giving way to a velvety richness as the velvety chocolate filling spread across her palate. The sweetness was perfectly balanced, not overpowering but just enough to ignite a gentle, pleasurable sensation. As she took another forkful, her eyes closed instinctively, allowing her to fully immerse herself in the experience. The crepe was a decadent treat, a moment of pure culinary delight that seemed to momentarily transport her to a world where time stood still, and all that mattered was the exquisite pleasure of each mouthful. "You were right, Maurice is very good. This is like the best thing I think I have ever eaten."
"You will find that I am right about a lot of things. Speaking of which, why did I find you wandering around alone in the rain like a little sad girl?"
"Because you were right."
"About Dimitri?"
"Unfortunately." She said as she sighed.
"What happened?"
"I don't know, I just saw them cuddled up together, and I kind of lost it."
"I told you that he doesn't care about you. He only cares about himself and that dude. Enough about them. From now on, it's about me and you. Eat up because today I want to take you to go see my psychic so she can answer any questions or concerns you may have. How does that sound?"
"That sounds great!"

Rahmi found herself facing a pair of fanged gangsters, their eyes gleaming with a predatory glint. The dimly lit alley echoed with the faint sounds of the city's nightlife, a stark contrast to the tension that hung in the air. He held his composure, knowing that the information she sought lay within their cryptic world.

With a cautious yet determined tone, Rahmi initiated the conversation, his voice steady despite the palpable threat that surrounded him. He knew the delicate balance he had to maintain – a blend of respect and assertiveness. As the words flowed from his lips, he could sense their scrutiny, their keen senses gauging her intentions.
The taller of the two vampires leaned casually against the graffiti-covered wall, a half-smile curving his lips as he listened. His gaze never wavered from Rahmi, his amusement evident as he toyed with a silver chain hanging from his belt. The other, a shorter but more imposing figure, stood with arms crossed, his expression inscrutable as he seemed to assess Rahmi's worthiness.
Rahmi's inquiries were careful, each word chosen with precision as she probed for information about Drake's elusive whereabouts. He spoke of alliances and common interests, subtly weaving a narrative that hinted at his own connections within their shadowy world. His eyes met theirs, unflinching and determined, his confidence unwavering despite the intimidating atmosphere.
A tense silence settled over the alley as Rahmi's words hung in the air, the weight of his purpose palpable. And then, as if responding to some unspoken cue, the taller vampire chuckled, his amusement giving way to a contemplative look. He exchanged a glance with his companion, a wordless communication passing between them.
Finally, the shorter vampire unfolded his arms and stepped forward, his eyes locking onto Rahmi's with a newfound intensity. In a voice that carried a hint of begrudging respect, he offered a cryptic clue, a breadcrumb leading him closer to his goal. Rahmi's heart raced with a mixture of relief and anticipation, his gratitude masked behind a composed expression.
As the conversation concluded and Rahmi navigated his way out of the shadowy rendezvous, he couldn't shake off the lingering tension that the encounter had left behind. The path ahead was paved with uncertainty, yet he was armed with a piece of the puzzle – a step closer to unearthing the truth about Drake's whereabouts.
Rahmi returned to the club for the night after his meeting with the goons. Upon entering the space he immediately darted for the bar. "What can I get you, boss?"
"A hurricane, actually make it two." Rahmi gathered his drinks and made his way towards the DJ booth. "Here you go" he said as he handed Honeycakes one of the frozen concoctions.
"AYE! I haven't seen you in a minute. Where have you been?" The DJ asked, slurping down the drink. "oh shit, brain freeze."
"I'm not gonna lie to you, I haven't been great."
"Oh shit, lady troubles?"
"How in the world did you deduce that?"
"It's always lady troubles with you."
"Someone kidnapped her."
Honeycakes' jaw dropped "What the fuck do you mean someone kidnapped her? What are we still doing here?"
"Relax, they released her."
"Okay, but are they still breathing?"
"I'm working on that."
"Let me know if you need back up. "
"That's exactly what I needed to hear from you. I'll let you know. "
"I'm always down, yo."
"I appreciate it, DJ." Rahmi turned away and started towards the door that led upstairs. Climbing the stairs, Rahmi thought about what his next move would be. He counted how many men he would have in his corner as he walked up the steps. Entering his passcode, he walked through the door only to see Dimitri pacing back and forth. "Dimitri, is everything okay?
"What's wrong?"
"I don't know for sure, but I saw Ruxy today and she was just off. Like she was hiding something from me."
"She is a shady witch, of course she is hiding things from you." Rahmi said with a half smile on his face.
"Stop, I mean something big."
"Like what?"
"She said that she was working with this new client who needed a bunch of very taxing charms."
"What kind of charms?"
"Not sure. But I think it might be a love potion."
"Love potion sounds so cheesy, are you for real?"
"So sue me, if I don't know the Latin name. I think it has something to do with Hannah and Drake. I think he is trying to steal her from you again."
Rahmi's drink fell to the floor. "Wait, You think she is working with Drake?" Rahmi asked. Dimitri nodded. "And that's why she didn't come through for us?"
"That's what I'm thinking. The crate that had these potions in it had a hieroglyphic on the front of it. I have seen it before, I just can't remember where. But what are the chances that Drake kidnaps Hannah, Ruxy doesn't come through for us, and she just happens to have this new client? It just seems off, that's all I am saying."

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