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The cell presented a grim sight to behold. The worn and uneven walls seemed to whisper ancient secrets of torment and despair. Cold iron bars, rusted and twisted, stood as an impenetrable barrier between Hannah and the freedom she so desperately craved. Each bar exuded a sinister aura, serving as a stark reminder of the vile creatures lurking just beyond reach.
Grimy straw littered the stone floor, scattered about like forgotten remnants of life. Its dampness hinted at the misery that had been endured within these confining walls, while its mere presence spoke of the disdain the vampires held for their prisoners. The atmosphere inside was stifling, offering little ventilation to provide solace to the unfortunate souls trapped within.
From the high ceiling, a solitary flickering torch cast eerie shadows, dancing like specters across the room. The feeble light barely illuminated the cramped space, leaving corners consumed by an impenetrable darkness. It was in these shadows that Hannah huddled, their form barely discernible, their eyes reflecting fear and resignation.
Whispers of pain and despair reverberated within the cell, carried by the chilling silence that enveloped the room. The occasional moans and stifled sobs merged into a haunting symphony of anguish. Every sound seemed amplified, as if the walls themselves absorbed the cries of the damned, resonating with a cruel satisfaction.
Hannah took in the scene, a shiver ran down their spine, and an overwhelming sense of urgency gripped them. The holding cell stood as a stark reminder of the power and ruthlessness of the vampire lair, a testament to the horrors that unfolded within those hallowed halls. It was a place of desperation, a purgatory where hope waned, and darkness reigned supreme.
"No, I told you, Roger and new Ted that I wanted her in a suite. She is royalty for Christ's sake." General Drakanov said as he pushed the doors to chambers open. "Why would I want her in the chamber of souls?" Turning his attention to Hannah "I'm so sorry for my incompetent employees. You were supposed to have a suite with a clawfoot tub, some bath bombs. It is really nice. Sorry for keeping you here for so long." he said as he unlocked the door to the cell that she was kept in.
Hannah retreated, placing her back onto the freezing brick wall
"Please, Handu. I will not hurt you". He said with a hand extended. "I only wish to show you where you should truly lie your head to rest."
"I will follow you, but do not touch me."
"As you command"
As Hannah cautiously emerged from the cell, her eyes blinked against the sudden flood of illumination that enveloped her. A warm glow bathed the corridor, casting ethereal shadows upon the intricately adorned walls. Gone was the dampness, the grime, and the air of despair. Drake had led her from the depths of confinement to a realm of opulence.
The corridor stretched before them, lined with exquisite tapestries and adorned with ornate chandeliers that cast cascades of golden light upon the marble floor. It was a pathway that spoke of grandeur, hinting at the lavishness awaiting them further ahead.
Guiding her through the labyrinthine passages, Drake led Hannah to a set of magnificent double doors. As they swung open, a breathtaking sight greeted them. The palatial suite unfolded before them like a vision from a dream.
The room exuded elegance and refinement, with sumptuous furnishings that beckoned with their softness and comfort. Rich draperies framed expansive windows, allowing sunlight to stream in and bathe the space in a warm glow. A grand canopy bed, adorned with intricately embroidered sheets, stood as the centerpiece, promising rest and respite from the harsh realities of her captivity.
But it wasn't only the opulence that astounded Hannah; it was the genuine concern in Drake's eyes, the tender care he displayed in each gesture. He had plucked her from the darkness, offering her solace within this palatial haven.
"Rest here, Hannah," Drake whispered, his voice carrying a gentle reassurance. "You are safe now."
Tears welled in Hannah's eyes as she nodded, overwhelmed by the stark contrast between her former prison cell and this luxurious sanctuary. In that moment, she felt a glimmer of hope ignite within her heart, fueled by the belief that perhaps, under Drake's steadfast guidance, she could reclaim her life and find solace within the confines of this newfound haven.
"Oh, left knob is cold. The right knob is hot. Just a heads up" Said the dark general. Hannah nodded.
"Why are you being so nice to me after taking me?"
"I didn't' mean to startle you during our rendezvous, I just didn't think that you would take a meeting with someone like me"
"And who might that be, and how do you know my other name?"
"All in good time my sweet Handu. Please take your time and rest easy. No one will hurt you here. You are still a princess after all." He said, closing the door behind him.
Hannah stood before the grand marble bathtub, a sense of anticipation and longing filling her being. Her fingertips traced the smooth edges of the pristine white porcelain, marveling at the opulence that lay before her. This was to be a moment of indulgence, a chance to wash away the remnants of her captivity and bask in the luxury that Drake's sanctuary offered.
With deliberate grace, she reached for a crystal jar filled with an array of sumptuous soaps and salts, each carefully selected to enhance her bathing experience. The scents danced through the air, intoxicating her senses with their fragrant allure. She uncorked bottles of lavender-infused oils and delicately poured them into the water, watching as they dispersed and mingled with the liquid, creating a tapestry of calming aromas.
As the tub began to fill with warm water, Hannah meticulously selected a bar of handmade soap, its creamy texture promising a blissful sensation against her skin. She allowed her fingers to glide over its intricate design, marveling at the craftsmanship that had gone into its creation. Lowering it into the water, she watched as delicate bubbles formed and danced upon the surface, eager to embrace her body.
Carefully stepping into the bath, Hannah sank into the water, enveloped in a cocoon of warmth and luxury. The soothing embrace of the scented oils caressed her skin, soothing away the burdens that had weighed upon her. She reclined, allowing herself to be fully immersed in this moment of respite, relishing the sensations that enveloped her.
With each stroke of her hand, she indulged in the velvety lather that arose from the soap, its gentle touch cleansing her body and her spirit. The cares of her confinement melted away, replaced by a renewed sense of vitality and hope. The water became a sanctuary, washing away the stains of the past and offering a fresh start.
As Hannah closed her eyes, she allowed herself to drift in this oasis of tranquility. The soft caress of the water against her skin, the subtle fragrance that enveloped her, and the gentle symphony of her breath and heartbeat created a symphony of serenity. In this moment, she felt an inner transformation taking place, as if the simple act of drawing herself a bath had become a ritual of self-care and empowerment.
And as she emerged from the tub, wrapped in a plush towel, she carried with her not only the physical rejuvenation but also a newfound sense of strength and resilience. The luxurious soaps and salts had not only cleansed her body but had also served as a reminder that she deserved moments of pampering and self-love. With a heart brimming with gratitude, Hannah embraced the possibilities that lay ahead, knowing that she had found solace and healing within the depths of this fragrant haven.
*knock knock knock*
"Ruxy, what are you doing here? Oh, no! This can't be good." Dimitri said as he opened the door.
"You are going to need to sit down for this."
"They have her?"
"Who, Hannah? And who are they?"
"You should probably call Rahmi."
Rahmi's hand trembled as he abruptly ended the call, his conversation with Dimitri leaving him unnerved and anxious. The words of Dimitri echoed in his mind, warning of an imminent danger, a foreboding meeting with a mysterious psychic. The urgency in Dimitri's voice propelled Rahmi into a frenzied state, urging him to rush to his friend's house without hesitation.
The streets blurred in Rahmi's peripheral vision as he raced towards Dimitri's house, the weight of the impending encounter pressing upon him like a shadowy specter. Unease gnawed at his core, but curiosity mingled with fear, fueling his determination to uncover the truth that lay in the hands of this enigmatic psychic.
Reaching Dimitri's doorstep, Rahmi's heart pounded with a mix of trepidation and anticipation. The door swung open, revealing Dimitri's pale countenance, his eyes reflecting a cocktail of anxiety and intrigue. Their shared apprehension solidified their resolve to confront the mystic, to dive headfirst into the abyss of the unknown
The two of them moved towards Ruxandra who was sitting down at the dining room table with her makeshift crystals placed in a row.
"What's this all about?"
"When was the last time you saw Hannah?"
"A couple of days ago, She was supposed to come by the club last night. Why?"
"Because she was taken."
"Yes, Rahmi. Taken."
"Well, that's what I needed to talk to you about. He's back."
Rahmi's jaw dropped as he could no longer hold his astonishment. "I shall paint the city red with his blood."
He has an army with him."
"Good! He is going to need it. Where is he holding her"
"I'm working on that, as soon as the spirits find him I will let you know."


As the gentle light of dawn filtered through the parted curtains, Hannah's eyes fluttered open, her body cocooned in the embrace of a plush, opulent bed. A contented sigh escaped her lips as she stretched, relishing the sensation of every muscle unwinding from the best night of sleep she had ever experienced.
The bed itself seemed to have been crafted with the sole purpose of providing absolute comfort and tranquility. Luxurious, high-thread-count sheets caressed her skin, their softness a tender invitation to linger a while longer. Each pillow cradled her head in perfect alignment, offering a haven of support that contributed to the restful slumber she had enjoyed.
As Hannah glanced around the room, she marveled at the grandeur that enveloped her. Sunlight spilled through large windows, casting a warm glow upon the elegant furnishings. Fine draperies swayed gently in a breeze, adding a touch of ethereal beauty to the scene.
Until it dawned on her that she was still held captive, no matter how pretty the bedroom looked. On her bedside table she saw a note that read "breakfast is ready whenever you are my princess." Hannah stepped outside of her door into a hallway full of doors. "One of these has to lead outside," she thought. Opening door after door and only finding empty bedrooms that were not as nice as hers. "Where am I?" She said as she opened the final door.
Which led into the great hall where a feast had been prepared for her. Laid out on the same obsidian table where her kidnapping was planned. Sitting at the head of the table was General Drakanov. "Please Handu, have a seat. Eat please, you will need your nourishment."
"I want to go home" Hannah said, refusing to place anything on her plate. "How do you know that name, and who are you?"
"My name is General Drakanov, well I mean 'General' is my title. Sorry I am always so nervous around pretty girls. Let me start over, my name is Drakanov. But, my friends call me Drake. We have met before in an earlier life."
"You know, You're not the first person to tell me that.
"Ah, yes. Rahmi." Drake said glaring over at Hannah.
"What do you want with me?"
"Right to it? Sure. I want you to rule the world with me." He said leaning in to convey his sincerity. His dark eyes staring daggers into the soul of Hannah. "You should really eat up though."
"Why would I do that?"
"Maurice's cooking is very very good. Especially the Waffles. He says that you can smell when a waffle is golden brown, but golden brown is something you see, not smell. That doesn't make any sense. Anyways I th-"
"Why would I rule the world with you?"
"Because to be honest, Rahmi is the fucking worst. He doesn't deserve the work of art that sits here before me."
"Rahmi is not the worst. You were the one who kidnapped me."
"Kidnapping is a little strong, I would say it was more of a forced rescue."
"Then why am I being held here against my will?"
"Who said that? I never said that you couldn't go. If you want to leave princess there is a car waiting to take you wherever your heart desires." Hannah stood up flinging her chair backwards. She started her way towards the door from which she came. "Don't you want to know what happened on that short wall from the club?" Drake said, stopping Hannah in her tracks. 
"How do you know about that?"
"I was there." he said as he pushed away from the table before walking towards Hannah. "Now why don't you get changed, I will tell you about anything you wish to know." he said whilst taking one hand and placing it on the chin of Hannah, bringing their eyes in connection with one another. Hannah could feel her cheeks turning a shade of vermillion that brought her pause. Her breathing deepened at the sight of his ruby red eyes. "My princess."

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