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As Hannah reached her climax her eyes glazed over as she began to see a vision. The vision lasted only seconds, but when she came to, she immediately sat up and gasped. "What the fuck was that."

Rahm gasped as well. "I knew it was you"

"What the fuck does that mean. Why did I just black out and see glimpses of someone that looked like me but wasn't"

"I know it is scary the first time"

"You know what that was?"

"I do" Said Rahm. "You are beginning to remember."

"Remember what?"

"Our lives together."

"So you're telling me that we went to Spain together"

"More like I met you in spain."

"I thought you said that you met me in Scandinavia."

"I did."

"I'm so confused right now."

"I know, but you will understand in due time."

"Please tell me."

"I have met you many many times over the years. I have spent thousands of years looking for your vessel and trying to get you to remember. Bringing you to a climax is the only way that I know how to make your soul remember its destiny."

"So, I saw us in another life?"

"I hope so. What did you see?"

"I saw us dancing at a gathering of some sort. " Hannah exclaimed.

"Was it maybe at the festival of lights?"


"Were you wearing a low cut dress, the same color as my eyes?" he said with a smile he couldn't contain.

"Yes" she exclaimed

"I remember that night very fondly"

"What night was it?"

"That was the night when I met your vessel in Madrid. It had been 500 years since I had come in contact with your vessel. '

"I remember being half drunk at the festival of lights. The sound of beautiful Spanish guitars filled the evening skies. The flamenco dancers twirled and stomped across the floor, I watched from the shadows, my sharp senses tingling with excitement. I had been drawn to this small town in Spain for reasons I couldn't explain, but now I know why."

"Wait, Madrid is a pretty big city. '' Hannah interrupted.

"Well yeah, now it is. But it was just a small village with amazing wine that no one knew about back then. Now can I finish my story" he said while winking with a smirk forming at the corner of his mouth.

"Across the room, my eyes met those of a woman I had loved more than anything else in the world, centuries ago. Time seemed to stand still as we stared at each other, as my memories flooded back like a river unleashed. I had thought you lost forever, your scent and your touch long since faded from my mind. But here you were, as beautiful as the day he had last seen you, your long hair cascading down her back like a river of gold."

"You just take so long to tell stories, not all of us are immortal ya know." she said with a smile on her face.

"Babygirl, it's a lot easier to get through stories if I'm not interrupted." Rahm explained. "Without a second thought, I pushed my way through the crowd, my heart racing as I drew closer to you. You seemed to sense my approach, and your eyes widened in shock as he stepped into her path. Your name was Havannah and you were familiar with vampires but had never been approached by one.

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