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The sweet aroma of freshly brewed coffee, and sizzling bacon slowly crept into Hannah's consciousness, coaxing her out of her slumber. As she stretched and yawned, the enticing scent of breakfast being made filled her nostrils and stirred her appetite.

With a smile on her face, she slipped out of bed and padded over to the kitchen, following her nose to the source of the delicious smells. There, she found Rahmi standing at the stove, cowardly ducking behind a pot lid attempting to flip the bacon in the pan. Being sure to stand at least five feet away from the stove that housed the hot grease that seemed to pop every thirty seconds or so.

Hannah laughed at his attempt to look presentable when he noticed her presence in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Hannah" he said as he turned the stove off, placing down the pot lid on top of the pan and leaning on it with one foot over the other. Quickly removing it when realizing the heat that was building. "Ow, god dammit" he shrieked.

'Oh no, let me help" she said as she ran to the sink turning on the cold water for his burn. "Here, let me see your hand." The two of them held Rahmi's hand under the cold cascading flow. Their eyes moving from the affected area to one another's Hannah coyishly broke first giggling and looking away. .

The warm glow of the morning sun streamed through the window, casting a golden light over the cozy kitchen. The sound of clinking utensils provided a comforting rhythm to the morning.

"Can I ask you a really weird question?"

"Did we ever go to a vineyard in Spain"

"Of course my love. Our favorite was Campo Viejo. "

"Did we go there often? "

"It was our getaway from the world. You enjoyed it so much I bought it for you. Why do you ask?'

"You bought it for me?!" she nearly screamed. "I think I saw it last night in a dream."

Rahmi dropped his fork from his hand clinking on the plate three times before hitting the floor. "You are remembering things in your dreams?"

"I guess so. Why did you drop your fork?"

"You have never done that before. "

"Oh. I thought I remembered stuff from past lives. "

"Only during our alone time"

"Is that what you call it huh?"

"Well, I mean it's early. I can't say what it really is."

"Say it, don't be shy."

"Someone's feisty this morning"


Ruxandra's hands trembled as she sat before the mystical crystal ball for her daily reading, her gaze fixed upon its polished surface. The room was hushed, the air heavy with anticipation. With a deep breath, she closed her eyes, channeling her inner power, and reached out with her mind's eye.

As her fingers lightly brushed the crystal ball, an electric surge coursed through her, igniting a connection to the ethereal realm. A shimmering mist swirled within the depths of the crystal, revealing glimpses of hidden truths and foreboding visions.

Her brow furrowed in concentration as the mist coalesced, forming vivid images that unfolded like scenes in a haunting tapestry. She gasped as she witnessed a figure cloaked in darkness. It was the visage of an evil being of unspeakable cruelty and insatiable thirst for blood.

Through the crystal ball, the psychic saw a piercing gaze, his eyes burning with a sinister glow. Shadows danced around him, whispering secrets of ancient darkness and unspeakable deeds. The psychic's heart pounded in her chest, sensing the immense danger that loomed in the wake of this malevolent creature.

In her vision, she witnessed an unholy lair, a place shrouded in eternal night and drenched in the suffering of his victims. She saw his legion of soldiers, loyal minions ready to carry out his every command with unwavering obedience. They were an army of darkness, feared and unstoppable.

With a gasp, Ruxandra withdrew her hands from the crystal ball, her body trembling with the intensity of the vision. Beads of sweat dotted her brow, evidence of the psychic energy she had channeled. She knew that time was of the essence, that the revelation she had glimpsed within the crystal ball must be shared, for the fate of many depended on it.

Summoning her resolve, the psychic rose from her seat, a steely determination shining in her eyes. She knew she had a pivotal role to play in the battle against the malevolent vampire lord. Armed with her visions and the strength of her gifts, she vowed to confront the darkness and bring about a glimmer of hope in the face of impending doom.

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