Chapter Twenty-Four

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Cassian's POV

Celeste was a wreck - so much so that the male could not face her.

He had failed, and he was torn. His brother had only returned home this morning.

Azriel had been gone two weeks.

As for Celeste - today was a bad day. She had not even let Rhys in this morning, nor Madja - the one that could usually get through to her.

She didn't even speak a word.

She hadn't had a bad day in two weeks.

While Rhys had decided to give Celeste the 'space she needed', as he claimed to so insightfully and easily accept, Cassian was ready to face her now, and help the girl to face herself.

He knew he had been selfish - he should have been there for her when she needed him most. But she would not let him past the door, and he could not find it in himself to step beyond it. He did not want to break the fragile girl more than she was already broken - and he feared in his state of conflict, he would say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing, and send her spiralling deeper.

She had improved without him anyway - miraculously, Rhys had claimed.

Cassian was more sceptical.

After 500 years on the battlefield, he knew the concept of a 'miraculous recovery' was bullshit.

He would give the girl until midday. Then, he would visit.

Fuck having a bad day.

He was going to get her out of that room, whether she wanted to leave or not. He missed his training partner - his little sister. He wanted her back. But this wasn't about him - most of all, he wanted Celeste to get back on track. To achieve the goals she had set; to change the world as he always knew she could.

He was going to make her days great. Maybe not today - but soon, he was sure it would happen.

He would not stop trying until he had succeeded.

So, he waited. He sparred with Azriel and Rhys silently; he got lost in his own thoughts and plans and visions of how he would help Celeste when she felt she could only rely on herself in her darkest moments. He had been there before, too. All of them had.

But this was not the Cauldron. Celeste was not alone anymore.

Cassian kept waiting.

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