Chapter Twelve

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'I could feel the Cauldron,' Nesta spoke from beside Celeste. Rhys had requested their presence at dinner, and while Celeste was happy to oblige, Nesta had taken more coaxing.

Nesta understood the situation - but that did not mean she wanted to put herself or her sisters in harms way again, and certainly not so willingly.

'I felt it too,' Celeste added, not dragging her eyes away from her sister's head beside her. Celeste wondered if her sisters had been given the same choice as her; if knowing what decision she would have made - might make again if placed in such a treacherous position - haunted them each night as it did her.

But now was not the time to be talking of such wonders - if her sisters would be open to speaking of their experiences at all.

A shadow twirled around her finger, forming a ring with the light ray that remained there. 

Celeste could not tell if she would choose to leave with that woman if she appeared - if the deepest core of her soul that had wanted to go back then would still choose to do so now. Not when she had her sisters back together and safe with their new family.

Not when she had so much life left to look forward to.

Cassian sat directly across from Celeste, and while he kept watching Nesta, his feet began tapping against hers, starting a foot-war under the table. She brushed the previous thoughts from her mind, and focused on suppressing the laughter that threatened to burst across the room as his giant feet trapped her smaller ones between them.

Celeste often contemplated if the male did these things to distract her. Most serious conversations or a voice raised slightly too loud, his arm was over her shoulder, or had steered her out of the room to guide her elsewhere under the front of him needing to 'stretch his so very muscular limbs'. But it only seemed to happen when she grew uncomfortable, and how he knew when that line had been crossed, she did not know.

She focused back on the conversation just as Amren spoke. Amren and Nesta would be an unlikely duo, but Celeste could see their similarities.

'When you erupt, girl, make sure it is felt across worlds.'

Perhaps not as unlikely a duo as Celeste thought.

And between the cut and clatter of cutlery, the silence and shift of topic and soft chatter, Celeste lifted her gaze to meet Cassian's at last.

'What do you think about teaching me how to fly?'



Mini chapter😄

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