Chapter Five

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Celeste's slippers clacked as she descended each step, despite her best efforts to leave the silence in the House undisturbed. She had to take hold of the walls beside her to help steady her unbalanced feet with the new weight of her wings dragging down her spine.

Celeste hated being cooped up in that room, but she had still not gained total control of the membranes that appeared at random. Combined with her new fae limbs and the overwhelmingly delicate senses, it had initially been near impossible to do anything but lay on her mattress as the days swept past. It had taken her two days to stand on both feet with the wings, and two more after that to walk from one end of the room to the next.

But sitting on her mattress waiting for the wings to disappear again would do nothing but leave her bedridden for the rest of eternity if she didn't try and do something about it now.

She shoved down the rush of dread at the reminder that she may well have a whole eternity ahead of her, in this new fae form.

The chatter from the living room had her heart skipping a beat as she stepped off the dais and took a stilling breath. Stopping after a downhill acceleration proved even more difficult than the actual walk itself, but Cassian had told her to place her weight on the balls of her feet and use her core to stabilise her spine.

Whatever that meant.

Celeste tried, nevertheless, setting her sights on the main dining room and managing not to trip over her own feet as she held the frame of the door and peaked in.

The table was covered in more food than Celeste had eaten in her entire life. Stacks of braised beef and sill-steaming bread and an array of all types of vegetables that Elain could only dream of growing left Celeste's mouth watering just from the smell of it all.

'Morning, Celeste,' Rhys's voice was cheery as he greeted her, and she felt the eyes of the room shift to her standing idly in the hall.

'Good Morning.' She fidgeted under their gazes, the sudden feeling that she had intruded their family meal overwhelming her. 'I just came to grab a glass of water, then I'll be on my way.'

She tried her best to let a relaxed smile take over her features as she steadied herself on her feet, but it felt more like she was baring her teeth at the group as she took small steps towards the kitchen.

They had all been kind to her over the past week. Cassian's lessons on balance in her room left her feeling lighter and a little more full of laughter than before; Rhys reminded her of Feyre in his watchful nature, the way he picked up on every small shift in her mood and knew just how to care for her in the moment. Mor chatted Celeste's ear off, to the girl's delight, holding her hand and softly sharing her favourite memories of her family, and promises of the dresses they would try on together when Celeste could walk down to the streets of Velaris. Azriel was a companion Celeste found herself comfortable beside, someone who silently reminded her that she is more than her new body, even on the days when her burning anger and endless sorrow threatened to break through the surface.

She wasn't going to let a little pot of liquid stop her from making new friends - getting to know Feyre's friends that Celeste owed her life to for helping Feyre find herself again.

Even if the every splash of water or bird's cry that sounded far too much like a shriek left her limbs frozen; even if the dreams only grew more vivid and overwhelming as the nights passed.

'Why don't you join us for breakfast?' Cassian broke the silence, and Celeste felt the tightness in her chest ease as the attention shifted to the bright-eyed male.

Before she could make a fool of herself on her feet, Cassian was at her side, an unexpectedly delicate hand at her elbow guiding her to where he had previously been seated, helping lower the weight of her wings to rest comfortably around the chair. A plate appeared on the timber before her. She glanced up to see a flicker in the syphons on the spymaster's wrists, felt his shadows leering at her over his shoulder as though sniffing at the light ray that still sat wrapped around her finger from all those days ago.

She gave the male a small smile. He returned it with a soft nod of his head before lifting his glass to his mouth, the shadows darting to his side with another flash of sapphire as he began to cut into his meal once more.

'Anything you want,' the general said through a mouthful of food beside her, where he now sat across from Morrigan, 'Rhysie here can magic it up for you.' He clapped his brother on the shoulder, who made a swift, vulgar gesture to the male. The corners of Celeste's mouth twitched upward.

'Anything you want, and it will appear for you,' Rhys nodded to her plate. 'Try it.'

The stories told in childhood of the power faerie food held over humans flashed to the forefront of her mind. She glanced around at the others, who ate in quiet discussion now, but-

But she wasn't human any more. And Feyre wouldn't allow Celeste to stay with the High Lord if she felt he posed a threat to her siblings.

You're welcome to wander instead, if you like, a soft voice rumbled in her mind, and her eyes jumped to where the High Lord sat two seats to her left. The flicker of his eyes to her own were the only outward sign he had spoken with her, the understanding present there the hint telling her she was not the first to face such hesitation. Cassian is just a busybody who likes to make everyone feel at home. The words weren't entirely laced with sarcasm.

Anything I want? Is all she asked the High Lord.

At his answering nod, Celeste heaved a deep sigh, and-

Stacks of pancakes and eggs and maple syrup drizzled onto her plate, sprinkles coating every inch of the food as ice cream and strawberries and bacon littered the edges, a masterpiece of food and mess and pure joy lacing every inch of the meal.

'Finally, someone with taste,' Morrigan saluted, tapping her glass against Celeste's strawberry milkshake before her own stack of pancakes appeared on her plate. 'Be civilised, Rhys told me.' She lifted a banana filled bite of the delicacy to her lips, pointing it to the girl before she bit it off the fork. 'Nothing is more civilised than pancakes, in my eyes.'

'Cheers to that,' Cassian said, scooping up Mor's ice cream with a swift flick of his spoon. The female stuck her tongue out at the boy, stealing a slice of bacon from his own plate in turn.

When Celeste's eyes locked with Rhysand's again, she let her lips part in her first genuine smile in the long days that had passed. Let him see the gratitude that extended beyond just this meal; the thanks she felt for this family long before she even stepped foot into his lands, and for what her life may become if she could find the sparks of brightness her sister had in this Court of Night.

She glanced around the table once more. Took in the closeness of the High Lord chatting with his watchful second; the food-war taking place between the feared General and beautiful blonde Warrior; the soft rumble of laughter from the Spymaster sitting across from her. Celeste felt a warmth flicker in her eyes as she watched the family she could become a part of, the ring of light around her finger glowing brighter as she let herself laugh along with them.

Anything I want, Celeste told herself as she took the first mouthful from her plate.

Anything I want.



Surprise! Two chapters in one day!🎉

I really loved writing this chapter, so I wanted to share it with you guys as soon as I finished editing it. I hope you are enjoying Celeste's story so far, and thank you for reading!


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