30. Babies

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Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji stared each other, Lan Imperial Healer continued with his conversation
""We have to prepare immediately a cesarean delivery for Lan Furen, otherwise his life will be in Danger. We can't take risk of Lan Furen's life.""

Lan Imperial Healer want to discuss everything with Sect Leader Lan Xichen too in front of Lan Wangji. Lan imperial healer called Lan Wangji outside for few minutes.. Lan Imperial Healer told them about Wei Wuxian's condition and his life is on the risk. He asked to Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji who they wanted to save between their unborn babies and Young Master Wei.

Lan Imperial Healer asked to them, ""Sect Leader Lan and Young Master Lan who you want to save first, Lan Furen or your unborn babies?""

Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji immediately give their answer without any hesitation in their mind. They know who they really want to save.
""Wei Ying""

They both wanted to save Wei Wuxian in any circumstances. They both loved him so much and that is why they both married him as their shared wife. If they want some kids, they can haired a concunbine for themselves.

Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji both were in pain to see Wei Wuxian in this painful state. Lan Xichen felt pain to see his wife in a such pain, Lan Qiren sees pain on the face Lan Xichen's face the very first time, his uncle saw a disappointment on his nephews face.

Lan Imperial Healer proceed to their bedroom.. They prepared a temporary space on the floor to operate Wei Wuxian. They ordered Lan Disciples to bring hot water and 5 towels one big sheet and two loose cotton robs for babies and one loose robs for Wei Wuxian.

Lan Imperial healer has operated Wei Wuxian and gives him an anesthesia for unconsciousness. Lan imperial healer has prepared for his cesarean delivery. Lan imperial Healer checked his pulse and they opened his bloated stomach Layer by Layer. Lan Wangji is also presented inside the room.

Lan Wangji felt pain to see unconcious Wei Wuxian's body laid on the floor. His beloved wife is in unconscious state during his delivery. With in 30 minutes Lan Healer take out two Lan babies from Wei Wuxian's womb. They again stitched his abdomen layer by layer. Wei Wuxian lost his lots of blood during cesarean operation but the sort of energy inside his womb, helped him to heal his wounds faster.

His both babies have created enough energy inside his womb to make him heal faster. Doctor hang the babies upside down and slightly hit their hips to make them cry loud. He repeated this with both of them so he can enquired the babies are normal.

Another two Lan Imperial subordinate was busy in cleaning the placenta liquid on the body of new born babies. They both clean them and wrap them in a soft cotton piece of white cloth.

Lan imperial Healer congratulate Lan Wangji for his baby Boy. Lan Wangji nodded his head but his full focus on Wei Wuxian. Lan Imperial healer cleaned Wei Wuxian's blood strains and cleaned his body and covered his body with a loose rob and wrapped inside a quilt. He covered Wei Wuxian's head too to prevent from cold breeze.

Wei Wuxian gave birth to two baby boys. Lan Imperial healer went outside to inform Zewujun about his newly born Baby boys birth.

Lan Imperial Healer said, ""Sect leader Lan, Lan Furen gave birth to two newly born baby boys. Mother and children are safe now. He will get back to his senses after an hour. Their is no need to worry about anything.""

Lan Xichen is very happy to listen those words from Imperial Healer. He wants everybody to be safe specially his beloved wife Wei Wuxian. Lan Xichen went inside the room.. He noticed Lan Wangji was busy in caressing Wei Wuxian back of his hand.

Lan Healer subordinate gave him a Little newly born baby boy in his one arm. Zewujun has gotten emotional to see his both Lan heirs. His beloved wife gifted him two most precious gifts of his life. Zewujun loved his both babies and hold Lan Wangji's baby too in his another arm.

Lan Xichen uttered, ""Wangji, he is just like you but their smiles resembles Wei Ying.""

Lan Wangji nodded his head but his only focus on Wei Wuxian who laid down unconsciously.. Lan Xichen come towards Wei Wuxian and places his both babies on a cradle. Lan Healer already shifted Wei Wuxian on his bed. Lan Xichen caressed Wei Wuxian's cheeks. He patted Lan Wangji's shoulder.

Lan Xichen said, ""Wangji he will be heal soon. Don't worry too much Wangji.... With in an hour he will come back to his conscious state. Lan Furen is very strong.""

Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji is waiting for Wei Wuxian come back to his conscious state.

Lan Qiren has also visited his grandchildren, he was very happy to see his newly born Lan Grandchildren.. This is a proud moment for him that he became a Grand father at this moment.

Lan Qiren has congratulated his nephews and takes his grand children his arms. One of them pulled his beard. Lan Qiren is happy to see his cheerful Grandchildren just like their mother.

After an hour Wei Wuxian get back to his senses he sees his two husband sit beside him and blocked his views. Wei Wuxian touched his tummy and became panic to see his flat stomach..

Lan Xichen replied to see his panic wife, ""Wei Ying you gave birth to our two Baby boys.""

Wei Wuxian calmed himself and wanted to see his babies. Lan wangji helped him to make him sit on the bed. Lan Healer gives him his babies and asked him to feed his sons.

Lan Wangji helped Wei Wuxian to slide down his rob and helped his baby to suck his mothers nipple, Lan Xichen helped to feed another baby. Both Lan Brother blocked the view of other when Wei Wuxian is busy in feeding his both babies one by one.

Wei Wuxian has a premature delivery in his 7 months of pregnancy. So they prepared their bed to contain enough spiritual energy for Wei Wuxian and his two newly born babies. Lan Qiren and Lan xichen have created a spiritual array around Wei Wuxian's bed for their safety, so no evil will harm them.

Wei Wuxian was tired and again going back to his sleep. Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen was taking care of their newly born babies.

Lan Qiren with other elders give 2 months leave to Lan Twin jades. Their babies are pre matutely delivered, so Lan Qiren don't want to risk their heirs life. So he requested elder to give 2 months leave to Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji. So they will take care of Wei Wuxian and their newly born children too. Lan Xichen stayed in Jingshi too along side with Lan Wangji.

Wei Wuxian had shared his bed with his two new born babies.

Lan Xichen gave name to his Baby boy birth name Lan Liwu (Liwu means Gift) and Courtesy name Lan Jingyi.

Lan Wangji gave name to his baby boy Birth Name Lan Yuan and Courtesy Name Lan Sizhui.

To be Continue..

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