21. Wedding Night

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The wedding banquet goes on till 8 pm after which all the guests go back to their assign guest rooms after enjoying the excitement of the wedding.

The Lan clan really enjoys the wedding day of the three members so this wedding day becomes a memorable auspicious day for everyone.

The Lan clan has never celebrated such a grand wedding celebration before but this wedding proves to be a great occasion for the Gusu sect when Wei Wuxian is selected as Lan Furen for the Lan twin jades.

The Lan disciples decorate the Hanshi using a red theme based on the wedding ceremony and decorate the room with red chiffon curtains with peony and gentian flowers.

The house is enhanced by hanging many red fortune lanterns outside the Hanshi to give great blessings to the newlywed couple.

Inside the room of Sect leader Lan, the whole premises are lit up with the light of many green apple and cinnamon based scented candles.

The bed mattresses in Hanshi's bedroom are so soft and comfortable for the newlyweds, even the bed sheets are decorated with rose petals in the shape of a heart.

The entire premises of Hanshi are perfumed with the scent of fresh lemongrass mixed with the aroma of apple and cinnamon to make the atmosphere even more intoxicating.

To create some positive vibes, there are many blessing wind lanterns hanging outside with wishes for the married couple's new life and healthy children.

There are many nice blessing amulets with herbal fragrance hanging inside the bedroom to bless Zewu-jun and Wei Wuxian with a happy married life and an early baby.

Lan disciple has arranged for an ointment and warm medicinal water to clean their bodies after sex, along with a towel.

Place it on the side table along with two cups of the best quality wine from Empress Smile made from fresh plums and peaches.

The red grape wine in their room is so expensive that Hanguang-jun gave it to his brother as a gift for the newlywed couple.

As soon as Wei Wuxian enters Hanshi's room, he is nervous but the smell of the scented candles calms his mind and ignites his sense of sensuality and sensation.

Lan Xichen can smell all the nice fragrance mixture but upon seeing him, Wei Wuxian immediately sits on their wedding night bed whose sheets are completely covered with rose petals.

Wei Wuxian is completely impressed by Hanshi's beauty while he waits for his husband to remove the veil but his heart is still beating fast.

Lan Wangji on the other hand is restless during this difficult night as today is his first wedding night too but he has to wait till the next day for his turn to consummate his marriage with Wei Wuxian as Zewu-jun has the first claim on omega.

Today Lan Wangji is having a hard time sharing his love with his elder brother as both Lan brothers have immense love for Wei Wuxian.

On the other hand inside Hanshi Wei Wuxian is nervous and bored about his first wedding night when he hears footsteps and his heart stops at the sound of those footsteps.

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