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Freen's PoV
It's been so hard for me to take care of this version of Becky. She is been so sad and her mood swigs happens quiet often. I always try to make her feel better. I can't imagine Mon mom's condition right now. She has been fully emotionless. She doesn't cry anymore making me more scared. Sam mom is really very week and on her last stage.

Mon mom fakes smile around Sam mom. She didn't cry from that day and it's making me more nervous. Becky was already 4 months and I try my best to take good care of her. Phi Nam is always helping me with my emotions. I speak to her when I'm sad and stressed out.

But I still don't know how I'll handle Becky and Mon mom when Sam mom passes away. It's happening and I can't change. Becky was not eating anything so I just forced her to eat with me. Mon mom just stared at the food sitting in front of me. I held her hand and said "Mom please eat."

She nodded and smiled. A fake smile. She just pushed the food inside her not willing to swallow it. It was hard for her. I fed Becky. She was acting like a baby. Sam mom was resting and we already fed her earlier.

Becky ate a bit and said "I'm full Freen. I want to see mom."

I nodded and took her to Sam mom. Mon mom followed. Becky sat beside Sam mom and held her hand. Sam mom opened her eyes and smiled at Becky a very weak smile. She said "Did you eat my princess?"

Becky smiled and said "Yes mom I had enough."

Sam mom creased Becky baby bump and smiled. She said "Baby come soon and bring light to the family. They'll all be a fan of you for sure."

Becky said "Mom we would be but we want you too."

Tears welled up in Becky's eyes but she held back. I said "Becky let mom rest for a while."

Becky said "No Freen I want to be close to her."

I just nodded. We sat there for a while until Sam mom suddenly turned cold. Becky tears welled up. She sobbed hard. I checked Sam mom's breath and she was... I hugged Becky and comforted her. Mon mom just sat like a statue. Not a single drop falling from her eyes. I rubbed Becky back while holding back my tears.

Becky soon fell unconscious. I took her to the room and made her lay on the bed. I called all our friends and informed them. Phi Nam came soon. I hugged her and cried a lot. She comforted me. Mon mom was still sitting in the same position. She was staring at Sam mom's body. Not showing any emotion. Aunt Jim went to her and hugged her. But she didn't respond. I was getting more scared.

Finally Sam mom's funeral was done. Mon mom still remained same. Becky just cried like hell. I took some juice for her but she didn't take a sip. So I said "Becky our baby is hungry."

She said "No I'm not hungry please leave me alone Freen."

I sighed and sat next to her. I then creased her belly and said "Yes baby you want milk tea? Ha no you want juice?"

Becky pushed me and said "I said I don't want anything."

I said "I'm asking my little baby not you."

I than leaned in but Becky just drank the juice and said in anger "Now leave me alone."

I nodded and took the glass. I went to Mon mom. I had food plate in my hand ready to feed her. I said "Hmm. Mon mom please have something."

Aunt Jim who was sitting there sighed and said "Freen she is not responding."

I nodded and sat beside mom. I said "Mom Becky and baby have not eaten anything. At least you eat and feed them. They're not listening to me."

Mon mom sighed and finally got up but she didn't have much energy so I held her. I said "Mom please eat something."

Mon mom nodded and took the plate from my other hand. She than headed to our room. Becky was still sitting by window while wiping her tears. Her hairs are messy and eyes are so fluffy.

Mon mom sat beside her and smiled like nothing as happened. She patted Becky's hair and said "Becky You're mom is here with us." She pointed to Becky's belly. And continued "If you keep staying hungry you're mom would also be hungry. So eat this."

Becky hugged Mon mom and cried. Mon mom's were teary but she held back only for her daughter and grandchild. She said "Becky, now let us eat."

Becky nodded and Mon mom fed her while Becky fed back Mon mom. I was satisfied that they both healed each other. Aunt Jim just smiled with tears in her eyes. Phi Nam hugged me and whispered "Take care my hubby I'll be leaving now."

I nodded and they both left.

.............THE END...........

Bonus chapters ahead 😊

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