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Mon's PoV
After eating Freen and Becky went to their room of course Becky's room now they'll leave together finally. I have already told doctor to come to check on Freen. Nam said it's difficult to control Freen as she is afraid of the injunctions.

So Nam had so many bruises on her body. I think this time Freen won't feel scared as Becky is around.

After we finished, I and Khun Sam sat in the leaving room. She said "Mon how about a sweet after breakfast."

I said "What sweets do you want Khun Sam?"

She said "Your sweet lips of course."

God Khun Sam can never stop flirting with me. I just nodded and went near her. She pulled me and I ended on her lap. She pressed her lips against mine and in no time I started to respond to her kisses.

I felt hot but it was not the right time. I pulled back to catch my breath. Suddenly door bell rings and I know it's doctor so I immediately got up from her lap and started to run to the door. She came behind me.

We greeted the doctor and led him to the room. I saw Becky and Freen making mess throughout the room. I didn't know Becky could be this childish with Freen. Surly they had a pillow fight and all the woollen inside it was on floor. As I looked at them angrily Freen hid behind Becky when she saw the doctor. I went inside. I can't burst on them now I'll scold them later.

I took Freen. Dragging her to our room so that doctor can examine. She was all scared and wanted to run away. Becky followed us and she held Freen's hand. Freen said "Becky please save me from this monster."

Becky whispered something to Freen and Freen blinked at her confused. Then doctor gave her injection in no time and she didn't even feel it. Then we all left the room.

After few minutes doctor came out. Becky asked about her condition and he said "Well this Traumatic Disorder would cure only with love and affection. I hope she will get it here and as I know about her condition from earlier. She is really doing well. Today she didn't finch to take injunction. Well I think she will recover early."

Becky held his hands and said "Thank you so much doctor."

Then Khun Sam and I guided him to the door and we came back. I was ready to burst out. I said "Becky what mess was that?"

She said "Mom Freen.. Just."

I said "What? Are you a kid can't you control her?"

She was about to say when Khun Sam said "Mon let it go. Let them enjoy for a while later they'll have..."

I immediately closed her mouth she is such a pervert. I said "Ok but this shouldn't repeat. Is it clear?"

She nodded and left. As she left. I said "Khun Sam don't be a pervert in front of our baby."

She said "She is no longer baby you know."

I said "Khun Sam.!"

She said "Ok Mon I'll try but don't scold them ok. We need to take proper care of them."

I nodded and she kissed me again on the lips. Oh god I think today she is in a good mood. I pushed her a bit and she said "Mon you always push me away." She then pouted and sulked. I giggled and said "Khun Sam please why do you always sulk. Today we will do it ok I promise."

She became happy like I gave a child her favourite chocolate. She hugged me and said "Thank you Teerak. I love you."

I said "I love you too Khun Sam."

We then went up. I saw Becky's room and she was already cleaning it. Of course she should or she will be scolded later. Khun Sam went and helped her. I went to check on Freen. She was sleeping peacefully like a child and she is so cute just like Khun Sam. A younger version but their character differs. I didn't wake her up.

I gone though my phone and a while passes. Nanny came to call for the Lunch. Becky and Khun Sam had finished cleaning I guess so I went to their room. They had cleaned well but fell asleep hugging each other. They're so cute together. A mini me and my wife.

I just kept admiring them for a while and then decided to weak them up as they would skip the meal later. I went and slowly shook Khun Sam. She opened her eyes and slowly got up. I said in a low voice "It's time for lunch."

She nodded and made Becky awake from her good sleep. Becky said in a husky voice "Momma I want to sleep more I'm tired."

I giggled at her cuteness and then went to Freen she was already awake and we all headed to dinning hall.

....... .........

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