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Mon's PoV
I was just preparing juice and Khun Sam who was working suddenly came and hugged me from behind. She placed kisses on my shoulder which gave chills throughout my spine.

I said "Khun Sam... What are you doing?"

She said "Mon I want you so badly."

I turned around and said "Khun Sam.."

She said "What? Is it a problem to make love with your wife."

I blushed hard and said "No.. Khun Sam stop I'm feeling shy.."

She said "But Mon we have made it so many times yet you feel shy. Why?"

Ya it's true we have made it so many times but every time I see her it feels like first time and gives chills all over my body. It's because I love and is obsessed with her so much.

She began to kiss my forehead, my cheeks and my breath went high and heavy. Her hot air were everywhere on my face. I held her shoulder and squeezed it. She then kissed my lips. It makes me feel hot. I pushed her and we came out of the kitchen.

She bit my lower lips and I morned. She immediately slides her tongue inside my mouth and we both had a fight of dominance. Finally I let her win. When suddenly the door opened and Becky came in. I pushed Khun Sam a bit. Becky saw us but pretended to not see. I felt she was in pain. Her face was so sad.

Khun Sam already went behind her and I followed. As we reached the door Khun Sam knocked it but she didn't open. I wonder why. She came back so early and now she is all sad. Then I remembered Nam. She might have said about Freen.

I immediately went to my room and took my phone. I called Nam. But she didn't pick. Finally I called P'Jim. I said "Hello Phi Jim are you in the party? Did Nam speak to Becky?"

Phi Jim said "Hello Mon come down. What happened? I didn't go to party you know I was just making out with my husband. Fine I'll ask her and let you know."

I sighed but she hung the call. Khun Sam came inside and said "Mon did Becky find out?"

I said "I don't know Khun Sam."

I was about to cry when Khun Sam came and hugged me. I said "Khun Sam if Becky finds out about Freen she would blame herself for sure. I don't want her to be that way."

Khun Sam said "How about we take Freen to our home and take care of her?"

I said "Ya we can but will she come?"

She said "However she doesn't remember anything we can make her come with us and we can take care of that baby."

I smiled because Khun Sam was so kind when she called Freen as baby. Freen has lost her senses because of trauma. She didn't take proper treatment at first and now she has lost all memory and became a small child.

She tortures Nam a lot and thinks Nam is her mother. But Nam never refused it. Even though she had to prepare for wedding she took care of Freen. Now we should take care of her. She was always our responsibility.

I said "Thank you Khun Sam I love you."

She said "She was always our responsibility. No need to thank. I love you more."

She kissed my forehead. I said "Khun Sam let's bring her tomorrow and let's give Becky surprise. Even though she may feel bad at first she won't regret."

Khun Sam nodded and said "Ok now let's continue what we were doing."

I bit my inner cheeks and said "Khun Sam..."

She said "What?"

I said "Nothing now let's just sleep."

She said "But...."

I said "No we will sleep."

She said "Ok take your medicine. Before that I atleast want a very hot kiss."

I nodded with shy and pulled her. I kissed her lips with great intimacy. We just started and I don't know what came over me I couldn't stop.

Khun Sam pulled me closer as our kiss became deeper. She left my lips and kissed my neck down to my collarbone. She bit all over my necks.

She was in urge to remove my cloth when I stopped her and said "Khun Sam it's over now I'll take tablets and let's sleep."

She bit her lips with disappointment and looked at me. I giggled at her cuteness and said "Oh so cute now don't pout Teerak let's sleep please."

She sighed and went to her side. I took my tablets and went beside her. She turned her back as she was sulking. I hugged her from behind and said "Good night Teerak love you so much don't sulk na ka baby."

She turned and smiled at me. She kissed my forehead and hugged tightly. I slept in her sweet scent.


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