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Freen's POV

After seeing Becky cry my heart almost stopped beating. I know I shouldnot have been rude to her but I can't control my anger when I see that Lady. Sorry Becky and I hope we could meet again. Nam said "Freen why regret after saying those words?"

I said "I'm not regretting."

She said "Drop off you can't lie to me ok?"

I just sighed and acted to sleep even though I couldn't sleep. All I wanted to do is run to Becky and say her I do care about her. But I know I can't do that so I just closed my eyes and tried sleeping.

After a while I could here my mom screaming "Freen please hide your Dad is there I don't want you to be beaten ok?"

I was sobbing and said "But mom I want you to come with me please."

She didn't listen to me and by that time my Dad entered the room. He was all drunk. HE asked my mom to give him more money to drink. But my mom had none as she paid my Fees earlier this morning. I was so scared and trembling as I kept hidding under the bed.

When I saw my dad hit my mom. It was really hard that she fell down and didn't speak after that, My dad run from the place. I called my mom loud. But no response. She had bruses on her face as he slapped her hard and she is dead. I can't explain how I feel now. I really hate my Dad for doing that.

I mumbled "Mom.. please wake up I'm here don't leave me. Please mom."

Then I heard someone say "Freen wake up Freen"

I opened my eyes and Nam was sitting beside me holding my hand. She said "Freen again you got trauma after a long time is it because of what happened earlier?"

I really don't know why but I was really scared of what happened earlier I was litrally very close to being abused. No I couldn't take that. And about Becky I really do like her. When I curdled with her it was the best sleep I ever had.

But I don't want to show that I have feelings for her and I don't want to see that lady.

Nam said "Freen are you ok?"

I said "I'm ok Nam don't worry take me home tomorrow I can't stay here any longer."

She nodded and I hugged her. My whole upper body had bruises and the pain sucks me like hell. I feel asleep after that.

Next day I was discharged and Nam took me to the airport with wheelchair as I can't walk due to pain. Khun Mon and that lady had come to say me bye but I didn't look at them.

Finally Khun Mon came and bent towards me. She hugged me and whispered in my ears "Freen I know you like Becky and you hate Khun Sam. I saw love in Becky's eyes and I'm sure she loves you. Anyway if you both meet again back in Thailand then you can go for it and ask her for date. You have all my permission and support."

I was shocked of what she said. What does Becky love me? Really. But I'll not ask her anything. Nor I want to see her again. I just smiled and didn't reply her then we went inside the plane. Nam made me sit comfortably.

I said "Nam, Khun Mon asked me to date Becky openly."

Nam was shocked she said "What are you serious?"

I nodded with yes and she shouted "Oh god you're so lucky Freen go ahead a date her."

I nodded and said "No way Nam I don't love her."

Even though it was a utter lie. Nam just sighed in disbelief. We came back to Thailand. Nam took care of me everyday as my nightmares were back and I didn't want to sleep anymore. It was very terrifying.

I lost everything now I feel like dying everyday. But I just don't have courage. I have tried it earlier but it's impossible for me to kill my self. I sigh at that thought. I really can't sleep nor weak up peacefully. I kept myself busy in work to just improve my company.

A month passes by and Nam's marriage was fixed. She was soon getting married in a few month. So she left me to prepare for her wedding. Since then I just left alone crying every night and working like donkey everyday.


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