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Becky's PoV
I was just so hurt that I started to cry hard. I ran to room and locked myself and didn't open even though Freen was banging hard. After there was no tears in my eyes. I opened the door and slowly went downstairs. I saw Freen falling on Sam mom's feet she was sobbing and confessing everything. I was so shocked. I just looked at them. Mon mom was equally shocked.

After she said everything I felt happy because she is alright and I was a but sad as she didn't say it earlier. I just wanted to tease her a bit for a while so I said in shock expression and some tears in my eyes "Freen.!"

All turned to me. I ran to Sam mom and hugged her. I was just sobbing again remembering she would no longer be around us. Freen said "Becky I'm sorry please forgive me."

I didn't relay and just cried. Sam mom said "Becky you'll marry Freen soon ok."

I nodded my head no and said "She is a lier mom I'll not marry her."

She said "Becky.!!"

Freen said "Becky please it's your mom's last wish."

I looked at her and said "Freen I always love you no matter what. I was just teasing you for lying me. Ok don't worry."

She smiled and hugged me tightly. She placed kisses on my cheeks and said "Thank you so much Becky I love you so much."

I felt shy. She just kissed me in front of my parents. I broke the hug while Sam mom and Mon mom hugged each other. I smiled at their cuteness. I chuckle and said "Moms you look so cute together."

They said in unison "You two look like made for each other."

We smiled. Sam mom said "Ok then when shall we keep wedding. And who is going to bare the child?"

I looked at Freen in shy. I said "Mom I'll carry the child. I want a cute child like you."

Sam mom said "No it's cute like Freen.!"

I was so shy again she started to tease me like morning and I said "Mom please.."

Mon mom said "Khun Sam stop teasing our baby."

Sam mom said "She is not baby anymore."

Freen said "Ok mom we'll visit hospital tomorrow. I don't mind Becky carry the child."

I nodded and said "Mom you can keep wedding once I get conceived."

Mom nodded. And we smiled at each other. There was no longer pain. We should try to keep her always. I should stay strong. I just felt the moment.


Sry guys I'll update alternate days due to my busy schedule.

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