Chapter 53 - Medicinal Gossip...goes down well.

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Stepfield is a large coastal town, it's doing better than most considering the downturn in the economy.  There's nothing special about the place but it does have its little mystery. All the locals know about the gated community on the edge of the town.  A very exclusive address for the rich and beautiful.  The business owners in the area owe their prosperity to the Pure Compound, so they keep their opinions to themselves, don't ask questions, keep their mouths shut, and most of all keep a respectful distance. The rest of the town folk follow suit.  It was a matter of us and them. But humans will be humans and they are curious creatures.

The Pale Horse Cafe was one of a few that lined the promenade along the river.  It was small, with only five tables inside and another three outside. During lunchtime, it was always busy, full of stay-at-home mums and pensioners. So when Barnes arrived his entrance caused a stir. The only thing that would have made it more cinematic, more Matrix-worthy, and more out of place, would have been if he moved in slow motion. With his severe black suit, dark glasses, and the long languid stride of a model, his appearance stuck out in the humble eatery.

Adam watched with an amused smirk as Barnes came through the door, removed his black glasses, slipped them into his jacket, and scanned the room like a Keanu Reeves look alike. The conversations at the other tables stopped and heads turned in his direction.  Every person thought the same thing....he's one of them.

When he dropped into the chair opposite Adam and Constantine, everyone's eyes glazed over at the sight of three outrageously handsome men sitting amongst them...OMG, more of them.  The mums shifted in their seats wishing they'd put on their makeup that morning and were 10 kilos lighter, the senior couples looked longing at their youthful faces and wished they were young again.  

One of the older males whispered in his companion's ear.  "What the hell do they feed them in that place? They must be on steroids...look at those fake muscles.  I had abs when I was young you know..really ones."  He bragged.  His wife scoffed.

Adam's wolf hearing picked up the conversation and he had to force down a chuckle.  He needed this he thought to himself.  Being around humans always ended up making him feel better, they were so funny to watch.

"Sorry, I didn't catch up with you sooner.  It's been crazy." Barnes apologised, concerned he'd been less than supportive. "How are you faring?"

"I'm good. I was pleased you called. I needed to get out and do something normal."  Adam had jumped at the offer of lunch and the chance to get out of the apartment.  Constantine wasn't the best conversationalist and Paul was working all up the mess he'd made.

"What about you? I suppose we won't be seeing you either. I can see you're missing us already." Barnes gave Constantine a cheeky grin, knowing full well he hated the Pure compound with a passion.  He'd told him enough times how much he loathed the pretentiousness of the high-born Lycans, hated how they looked down on Adam when Paul wasn't around.

"I'm heartbroken, can't you see?" Constantine pulled a puppy dog face at Barnes.  They got along well.  He didn't mind spending time with this particular Lycan.  He wasn't uptight like most of them, and the two enjoyed dissing each other.

"Something feels wrong, where's Santo? I thought you two came as a set." Constantine gestured to the empty chair next to Barnes.  "Joined at the hip and all that."

"You're hilarious. With Lewis taking over the guardianship there's been a big re-shuffle of manpower. Quite a few of us have been reassigned. Santo and I are leading different teams now." Barnes didn't look too happy about losing his partner. "I'll be training newbies. It's going to be a nightmare. I'm sure the Goddess is punishing me for something I did in my last life." He browsed quickly through the menu, then tossed it back on the table.

A Kink in the TailOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora