Chapter 51 - Priorities

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Constantine, Adam and Shaun, in that order, sat in front of Paul.  Three pairs of eyes were glued to his face, waiting for an explanation. What the Guardian had said made no sense to any of them. Constantine's mouth was slowly turning into a snarl, one brow lifted at an angle in disbelief, Adam was shocked into stillness and Shaun had a goofy smile on his face.

Their enthusiasm for Paul's solution was underwhelming but it changed nothing. In his heart of hearts, Paul knew that it was the right thing to do and there would be no plan B. The more he thought about it, the more he got excited at the prospect of a new life with his mate. Not only would Adam be truly free for the first time in his life, but so would he.

His childhood had been cut short, leaving home to start his training at 11,  by 21 he was taking on the post of Oegenia Guardian to the previous Alpha. 22 years were given to the Pures.  His Guardianship had consumed all his time and he had no regrets.  If Paul hadn't met his mate his life would have remained happily on the same course. But then Adam happened and his happiness was now the only thing that mattered to him.  

"I didn't think it was quit." Constantine slouched back on the couch loosely crossing his legs and playing with a long ringlet that fell over his forehead. The were found it hard to believe it was that easy to walk away from his calling, it wasn't just a job.  "How did the Alpha take it​? He can't have been pleased about it. You're invaluable to him." No one could miss the sarcasm in his tone.

"Damien was shocked at first, but I explained my reasons....calmly."  Paul skimmed over the details. He straightened his cuffs and went on, trying not to give away how unpleasant it had been.  Of course, The Alpha had been pissed, monumentally pissed. "He wasn't happy about it but he understood." Paul left out all the swearing, the fist-sized hole in the wall, and ended with. "The Alpha's a reasonable Lycan."

"You are soooo full of shit,"  Constantine grumbled.  His face was growing more concerned as the ramifications of Paul's decision were falling into place in his head.  This turn of events didn't affect only the Guardian and Adam.  What was going to happen to him?  What happens to a Bound Wolf when he's not needed anymore?

"It's done and dust. There's no going back."  Paul straightened his tie and sat down in one of the armchairs, as far as he could tell he was masking his tension well.   "Lewis got called in and informed, and as expected he took the news that he would soon be the Oegenia Guardian in his stride.  Lewis is more than capable of replacing me. It'll only take a few weeks for the transition between old and new.   The Alpha will let the other Guardians know tomorrow and an official announcement will be made." He looked at Adam, the only person whose reaction he was interested in.

Adam's eyes stared blankly at his mate, a million questions were pushing each other out of the way to get out first.  

"You should have discussed this with me before......"  He got up and started roaming around the room.  "...throwing away everything you've worked for.  What if in a month, a year you realise  you made a mistake?"  Adam stopped in front of Paul and looked down at him with panic clearly etched on his face.  "...and blame me."

Not giving Paul a chance to answer, he started walking around the dining room table.  "Goddess, if they hated me before, now they'll think I'm responsible for this.  I can't show my face in the compound again."  Adam groaned in frustration.  He was starting to fall apart again.

"You won't have to.  You've seen the last of the compound and the Purebloods for the time being at least." Paul got up and stopped Adam before he did another circuit of the table.  

"Everything is going to be fine. I have organised where we can stay until we leave.  It's not in the compound, it's private, we can be....alone."  Virgil had come to the rescue as usual.  When he'd heard there was a commotion in Damien's office he'd come running.  Quickly brought up to speed he'd calmed the Alpha and then offered the flat that he still owned and remained used.   Virgil always took his side, right or wrong.

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