Chapter 10 - Unpleasant News

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For a man his size Constantine moved surprisingly quickly. His training was kicking in, Adam thought to himself, as he watched him take an aggressive stand in front of him and blocking the offered hand. He hadn't seen him like this before.  Constantine hadn't ever needed to play the bodyguard before. Perth was a quiet place, so far from the Homeland that it may as well have been another planet. It had felt safe until now.

"Have you been following us?  This is out of line.  I told you I would be in touch."  As usual, the werewolf was unshaven, his hair particularly wild-looking after the run and swimming Constantine stretched himself up to his full height and squared his shoulders.  He was covered in a sheen of sweat and the sneer on his face completed the picture of a thug.   He looked more like a barbarian than a bodyguard and nothing like the impeccably groomed men in front of him.  Lewis seemed unfazed by the show of strength and looked cool which was impossible as it was stifling.  He waved off some buzzing insects and continued unperturbed.

"And you must be Constantine Rizzo."  He offered his hand to the werewolf, but it was ignored as well.   "Bound wolf to the Fischer family, 25 years of age. Given as tribute by your pack, The Snow Wolves to the Fischers at the age of 20, at your request. Unusual, I've never heard of that before." Lewis removed his glasses and cocked an eyebrow. Blatantly examining Constantine from head to foot.  "Trained as a bodyguard and eventually you pledged your service to Adam Fischer as your charge for life. Ultimately, you were sent into exile with him. Presumably not to be seen or heard of again. Out of sight out of mind."

Adam could feel Constantine's wolf was close to the surface. He saw his shoulders and back tense ready for a fight. He put his hand on his shoulder. "Stand down. It's OK."

But the werewolf shook it off. "No, it's not."

"Did I get any of your basic details wrong?" Lewis was pressing the point he had done his research. The two other Lieutenants moved to stand in front of the car alongside Lewis.

"I'm sure it is all correct. As is the information I have regarding Mr. Fischer. Adam Wolfgang, 21 years old, eldest child of Augustus and Madeline Fischer, eldest but not the heir to the family's wealth or title because of a corruption of the bloodline. A deformity is all my informants could glean. Your family has done a very good job of blurring your existence." Lewis made it clear he wasn't into delicate diplomacy.

"I suspect there is something more than the birthmark and heterochromia?" Lewis tilted his head and looked past Constantine at Adam. "Both can be easily disguised...hmmm so there must be something...more. It's of no importance." Lewis scanned his face and then waved a hand.  Adam normally wore sunglasses in public and made sure that the left side of his face was obscured as much as possible by a long fringe.  At that moment his face was bare of any camouflage, his wet hair pushed back.  Lewis saw him as he really was.

Constantine was surprised at how much the Lycan dipstick's disparaging comments about Adam annoyed him.  He growled and extended his claws. Behind him, Adam who had long ago become immune to comments about his face acknowledged the description was pretty accurate.

A short deep buzz came from Lewis's pocket and he pulled out his phone and read the message. He frowned, pulling a crisply folded white handkerchief from inside his jacket, he wiped his brow.

"All that aside, we need to have a chat somewhere appears things are moving quickly."

Constantine however, was in no mood to oblige. He moved closer and glared down at Lewis, ignoring the two lieutenants altogether. " I don't care who you are. We are leaving now. I'll call when it's convenient to make an appointment."  He was trying to remain under control but his accent was becoming thicker as he spoke, which didn't bode well for Lewis.

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