Chapter 33 - The Couch

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Back again.  It's been a while.

Barnes and Constantine exchanged a wary look as the latter started moving around the kitchen making lunch for his Master.  Barnes took a step back before he spoke. He had gotten to know the werewolf well enough to know that he had a short fuse and could snap when provoked.  Which was exactly what he intended to do, poke him with a stick and see what happens.

"The two humans have decided to stay behind?" He spoke quietly, his news meant only for Constantine to hear.

"What?" His head spun round so fast that Barnes took another step back and inched towards the door. He glanced out to make sure Shaun was out of earshot. The boy was sitting quietly watching TV, oblivious of the storm heading his way.

"I heard Shaun and the other one talking. They've decided to stick together and weather it out here." Barnes waited and watched as Constantine continued to stalk around the kitchen slamming cupboards and throwing plates and glasses onto a tray. If the banging and crashing wasn't a clear enough indication of his mood then his face was. Barnes watched him grind his teeth, heated colour progressively working its way up his neck to his cheeks until he was flushed and sweaty. Barnes could practically hear the grumbling going on in his head. By the time he walked out of the kitchen, his eyes were starting to flicker amber. It was the reaction Barnes expected.

The tray rattled with every step Constantine took, the plates threatening to fly off as he marched his way across the apartment. He watched Shaun from the corner of his eye but said nothing. The annoying human was still ignoring him. He kicked open the bedroom door and disappeared inside. Subtlety was never Constantine's strong suit.

All the while Barnes watched Shaun's eyes follow Constantine then quickly darted back to the TV. The boy squirmed trying to get comfortable, his legs were still painfully stiff and uncooperative. He'd sunk deeper into the cushions and was stuck. Barnes smirked, Shaun wasn't going anywhere. He didn't like humans any better than he did before they arrived in Perth but this particular human had proven himself loyal, and brave even if he couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag. They were qualities he respected and Barnes felt that if a few words in someone's ear or a little push in the right direction, would help the boy along, he was happy to do it.

Loud voices came from the bedroom, Barnes made a point of ignoring the conversation by making himself a cup of coffee but his wolf hearing couldn't help but pick up Adam's angry voice just as the door opened. "..and who's fault is that?"

Barnes thought that this would be a good time to leave. He dropped the mug in the sink and made his way out of the kitchen. If he was right the shit would be hitting the fan in a few moments. He didn't look back as he left the apartment.


When Constantine came out of the bedroom the only sound was the low hum of voices from the TV.

"What the fuck is so interesting?" He growled to himself. Shaun's eyes were glued to the screen. His face was blank. "Was the little shit even blinking?  Am I invisible or something? Θέλω να σκοτώσω κάτι."  The mumbling and grumbling went on.  He headed for the couch to confront Shaun but at the last minute swerved and went into the kitchen to clean up and calm down. 

 "Breathe," Constantine told himself. He wanted to talk and Shaun had no choice about it.

When the kitchen was spotless and he had no excuse to linger he went to the lounge. He sat on the other end of the couch. The scene was the definition of awkwardness. Shaun's eyes never left the TV screen, although he continuously squirmed in his seat, trying to get up without success. The silence dragged on.

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