80 Statement

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Part 80 Statement

Arnav looked at the photo and got stuck. Maya and his Chachaji? What was the connection between them? Was Maya his Chachi? Or, was she his Chachaji's mistress? He looked at the diary and it was the same year diary of Arvind's death. He flipped its pages. There was nothing in the first four months. It was empty. But... something was written in the middle of the May. Exactly before one and half months of his death. It looked like a letter. Arvind wrote it for Ratna.

Arnav read it,

{Dear Ratna,

I don't know in what position I'm standing now. There is full of darkness around me. Someone is trying from all directions to knock me down... not for me but for my property. I didn't tell you anything because you don't like my brother who is a drunkard and gambler. Yes, this is about my brother. You won't like it if I help him but I helped him when he said he got married and was struggling to feed his twin sons, Akash and Akhilesh. He begged me to help him. I could not hold myself because blood is thicker than water. I gave him money. That was the biggest mistake I had done in my life. He kept on torturing me to get money from me. I got to doubt whether what he said is true. I back-checked him and found he was lying. It was his wife who wanted him to get money from me. I chided him and stopped helping him. But he kept on troubling me. He and his wife kept on calling me for money. Especially when I was at home.

One day, a woman came to my office asking for a job. Suddenly, she hugged me from behind. I pushed her away nervously. She tore her clothes and rushed out shouting that I tried to rape her. My office staff didn't trust her because they knew me. They chased the woman out of my office. I felt proud and relieved. That was the day, you found the vermillion mark on my shirt. She should be applied it to me when she intentionally hugged me from behind. I didn't say anything to you because I don't want to make you restless because I thought it was over.

But, as I didn't expect, someone came to my office the next day and shouted, standing at the entrance that the woman committed suicide. I was shocked. My staff who trusted me the previous day, looked at me lothly. I can understand that they suspected me. I didn't know how to handle the situation.

That was when her brother came to my office and showed me a letter written by the woman. She wrote it before committing suicide. She had mentioned in it that I was the reason for her death because I raped her. Her brother said he was going to surrender the letter to the police. I was horrified because the statement before death was more powerful. I know that. I was not sure my office staff would stand for me on the issue. Her brother said he will leave me if I gave him money. To save myself and my reputation, I gave him ten lakhs. I thought the problem is over but I was wrong. He continued nagging me for money. I regretted not going to the police with the letter.

One day, when I drove back home, I saw the same woman going somewhere. I got to know I had been getting cheated by them. I chased the woman and stood in front of her. She was thunderstruck seeing me. She understood that their drama came to an end. I thought they were frauds who involve in such activities. But, I was shocked when I got to know the truth that the woman was none other than the non-identical twin sister of my brother's wife. Sona her name is. She was married and had twin children. Her husband was a taxi driver. I was angry like hell with my brother and his wife. I took her to my office and made my staff see her. They literally apologized to me for doubting me.

When I met my brother I slapped him hard for what he did. He said he was unaware of the drama. It was his wife who did all of them to get money from me. He said, his wife is a witch and she is practicing black magic. She married him only for money. When she got to know he already spent his share of money in gambling, she forced him to get money from me. I didn't trust what he said and warned him not to build up stories.

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