65 Trapped

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Part 65 Trapped

Ratna was keenly watching her brothers and their respective wives.

Manorama came to Manohar who was doing something on his mobile. She peeped into his mobile and sighed. He was watching Arnav's childhood photos that he captured from the old album. Manorama panicked when his eyes tear up.

"What happened to you? Why are you crying?"

"I'm looking at Arnav bituwa. See, how happy he was with his mother...! I didn't see him happy like that after Ratna's death until Khushi came into his life"

Manorama nodded yes slowly.

"Arnav always treated us as his people. He truly loved us..."

"Our love for him is no less than his" came from Sudhakar.

"No bhai, don't compare our love with his"

"What do you mean?" asked Anjana.

"Arnav bituwa is not selfish like us. His love is unconditional. He never expected anything from us except love. But we? What did we do? Especially you? You wanted him to obey your words and lead his life as per your wish. When he chooses his partner as per his wish, you can't tolerate it. You started taunting him. Have you ever thought about his generosity?"

"You are talking meaningless Manohar" Sudhakar chided.

"No... If I don't talk the truth, my life would become meaningless. Touch your heart and say, could you even imagine such a lavishing life if Arnav is not there for us? It was Arnav who provided everything we wanted. But, we left him alone in the crucial time and came out of RM"

"What can we do if he has no trust in us?"

"Trust should be gained. We should have made him trust us. But we never thought about it. You would have celebrated him if he had married your friend's daughter"

"He too would have gotten political support if he had married the girl. That's what I wanted"

"Who are you to decide what he wants? When Ratna died, he was a kid. That's why Amma wanted us to be with him. But now, he is not a kid but a grown-up man. He is running a business. He knows very well what he wants. You should understand that"

"But we are not out of RM for that reason" Anjana came for Sudhakar's support.

"We got ghostly sensation in RM. You too would not have liked to be in RM if you had felt it"

"I didn't feel it. That's why I am saying it must be Ratna"

"What do you mean?"

"She doesn't like anyone troubling her son. That's why I am off the list. Ratna knows me..."

"What you are thinking about us is not right, chachaji. We never wanted Arnav to feel like he has no one. That's why we interfered in his decision but we never compelled him for anything" said Shyam.

"If you care for him, why did you come out of RM?"

"Only for Anjali. She conceived after twelve years. She should be peaceful. If she gets scared of anything, it's not good for her and also the baby in her womb. That's why I brought her out of RM"

"Your reason is acceptable. Be it. I am going back to RM. I don't want to make my mother feel bad about us" Manohar stood up.

All of them looked at him stunningly, including Ratna. She didn't expect him to be emotional towards Arnav.

"Manohar, you are mistaken. We are not upset with Arnav." Sudhakar said

"I'm glad about it. You guys don't have to come to RM if you are scared. I will let you know when everything became normal. Bye," Manohar walked out.

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