64 Prayer

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Part 64 Prayer

In the meanwhile,

"Don't you trust me?" Akash asked Maya.

"I trust you but how could I trust your wife?" Came from Maya.

"You don't have to trust my wife but me. How could you think I will send you to an old age home?" He asked sorely.

"I didn't say you will send me to an old age home. But..."

"You amazed me, Maa. You trusted Khushi but me. How did you believe she won't change just because she has no one? How did you think I will listen to Sheetal and Lavanya but Khushi? You know what, I like Khushi more than Sheetal and Lavanya because she is a nice girl. But, what I have in my mind for her is not love. I liked her unconditional concern for me. Not all rich girls are wrong and not all middle-class girls are good. Stop thinking rubbish. Or else, I will not get married for my whole life" he howled.

"Have you gone mad?" She sneered.

"Then what do I do if you feel insecure? What could I do with you? Do you want me to struggle between you and my wife? I can't do that. I won't get married until you change your mindset. It will cause problems not only for us but the girl who is going to step into our family. I don't want to make the girl insured and don't want our family to get such a bad name. Let me be a bachelor" Akash lift the house leaving horrified Maya.


On the other side,

Hearing a message tone, Arnav opened his phone and checked whose message that was. He found Khushi's live location and also a message. He immediately called her and Khushi received it.

"Khushi, where are you? Why are you guys going to the temple all of a sudden?"

"Naniji wanted to go to the temple as she felt not good about anything. We will be back in an hour"

"Okay. keep your phone in your hands. Call me if it's necessary"

"Okay. Did you give the sample in the lab?"

"I even got Sheetal arrested"

"Whaaat? Did the police arrest Sheetal?" she almost shouted.


"But how? You don't have any proof for her deeds...!"

"I got a strong proof. I have recorded when Sheetal talked with her mother and doctor"

"I can't believe this"

"Believe it..." he smiled.

"Are you going home?" She asked.

"Yes... the technicians are coming to fix cameras in RM"

"Cameras in RM? But why Arnavji?"

"For our safety. No one will dare to harm us anymore"

"But, there is no one in RM"

" Let it be. Who knows, they may come back to RM anytime"


"Where is Maa? Is she with you?"

"No, she went following Uncles and Aunties. She has not returned back yet"

"Okay, if you feel anything wrong around you, call me"


"Or, do you want me to come to the temple?"

"No Arnavji, we will be back soon"

"Okay, Arnav disconnected the call"

He didn't feel anything right. So, he took a U-turn and headed to the temple.

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