Chapter 6: Test

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In a section of the Babel tower, Muramasa and Bell Cranel sat together in an open area that provided a sweeping view of the city of Orario below. It was a picturesque scene, although the presence of some other merchants and smiths was fleeting, as they quickly departed upon catching sight of Muramasa. This departure was a commonplace occurrence among competitive blacksmiths, driven by rivalry and possibly envy.

"So, what motivated you to purchase more armor bearing my name? It doesn't sell for much Valis, and there's always a chance that another blacksmith might have tampered with it to cause trouble" Muramasa inquired, his tone contemplative. Bell, still a bundle of nerves, hesitated briefly before speaking. "I sincerely apologize for my actions. I... I was just seeking some affordable armor that appeared sturdy enough..."

Bell's voice trembled with regret as he apologized, and Muramasa, observing the young man's nervous state, simply placed a comforting hand on his head. This gesture startled Bell, his nerves mingling with curiosity as he regarded Muramasa.

"Don't worry, my boy. The armor you purchased was crafted using leftover materials I had lying around in my workshop. It was never designed to be particularly robust or durable" Muramasa explained, revealing the true nature of the armor to Bell. This revelation seemed to catch Bell off guard, prompting him to shake his head and adopt a more composed expression, no longer plagued by nerves.

"It wasn't weak, Sir Muramasa! That armor of yours has protected me countless times. It's actually perfect for someone like me who needs agility and maneuverability" Bell declared with newfound determination. However, his resolve faltered as he suddenly blushed in embarrassment. In his moment of unguarded sincerity, he'd momentarily forgotten Muramasa's status and spoke his true thoughts about the armor, causing Muramasa to burst into hearty laughter.

"Heh heh, who would've thought you'd be so passionate about my seemingly delicate armor, Bell, right? By the way, how's Hestia doing?" Muramasa inquired, amused by Bell's unexpected outburst.

Muramasa's hand briefly ruffled Bell's hair before returning to rest on his knee. Bell's surprise at Muramasa's familiarity with Hestia was evident as he questioned, "You know my goddess?" Muramasa nodded in response, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Yes, I used to frequent her small establishment and enjoy her Potato Croquettes before she became involved with Hephaestus and the stores."

Bell's eyes widened in realization. It dawned on him that the additional food he and Hestia had received could very well have been thanks to Muramasa's generosity. Bell's expression shifted from astonishment to gratitude as he spoke, his words practically tumbling over each other, "Hestia mentioned a kind man who bought a lot and even left extra money. We had an incredible dinner that night because of it!" He reached out and gripped Muramasa's hand, shaking it enthusiastically.

"Thank you so much, Sir Muramasa! Your help meant a great deal to us, and the goddess is doing quite well" Bell continued expressing his gratitude, his words pouring out with sincerity. Muramasa began to feel a bit overwhelmed by the constant stream of thanks, as he didn't perceive his actions as particularly significant. "It's really no trouble, my boy" he attempted to dismiss the gratitude, eager to steer the conversation in another direction.

"Let me ask you a question, Little Rookie" Muramasa spoke, changing the subject. Bell's demeanor shifted as he seemed to ease into the conversation, leaving behind his nervousness. Being around Muramasa had an almost calming effect that made stress and apprehension seem to melt away. Bell nodded, curious about the question Muramasa was about to pose.

"What drives you to venture into the dungeon? What's your motivation for being an adventurer?" Muramasa's inquiry took Bell by surprise, causing him to pause momentarily before carefully considering his response. "To be entirely honest, Sir Muramasa, my goal is to become strong. Strong enough to protect those who are important to me. I yearn to delve into the dungeon's depths, to challenge my limits, to evolve. Yet, at the core of it all, my dream is to become a hero... someone who can genuinely make a difference in this world. I understand it won't be straightforward, and I know the hard path ahead of me. But I'm resolute in giving my best" Bell articulated, his thoughts pouring forth.

Fate's Blades in Orario (DANMACHI x SENJI MURAMASA)Where stories live. Discover now