I was so encapsulated by the scent that I had not even noticed Theo had put his suit jacket over me.

I lightly tug on the jacket to cover more of my body.

Theo's eyes flickered with warmth as I accept his kind gesture. Throwing his cigarette to the ground he lowers his head closer to mine. Our breaths were warm against each other's faces, neither one of us daring to do what we both had in mind.

Without any of my control, my left hand finds it's way beneath Theo's chin, urging him to fill this gap we do desperately need closing. His hand pins itself against my lower back forcing the space between us to become nonexistent.

Our lips lock with no thought of taking them off of each other.

My body began to feel warmer as sparks began to emerge within me. I let my hand cup the side of his ice cold face, letting my thumb gently caress his porcelain cheek.

No tongue tried to sneak it's way into either of our mouths. This kiss, passionate yet so tender. It was a bittersweet harmony of warmth and frost, a testament to both of our complex emotions.
As our lips parted, our eyes spoke volumes, silently affirming the bond that had weathered the storm of our differences.

The snow continued to fall, each flake bearing witness to a kiss that marked not just an apology, but a rekindling of something neither of us had felt for a long time.

I couldn't help but smile as Theo's hand cupped my cheek, mimicking what I had done to him earlier, lightly running his thumb over my cheek. I lean my head into his hand, accepting the coolness it brought to my burning cheeks. Moving his hand to its original position he pulls me closer one final time, this time instead of a kiss, he holds me.

We allow ourselves to melt into one another, letting time pass as the moon shines brighter, so did we.

"Would you mind coming over tonight."

Theo whispered into my neck.

Lifting my head from his shoulders, Inlet my eyes answer his question.

A smile tugged at the corner of his lips as the blackness from his pupils took up the green that was one present.


"Theo mate where have you been! We-"

Draco's eyes fall to mine and Theo's hands, clasped together.

"Theo, do you know who you're bringing to shag?"

Draco's comment earned a few chuckles from the boys on the couch behind him.

The group fell silent, we didn't hear a word nor shuffle, even when we made it to his dorm.

Holding the door open for me I step into the dark room.

It looks just like my dream.

For never being in here prior, my brain is extremely accurate in depicting this man's room.
As I'm in the midst of day dreaming I feel the strap around my ankle undo. I look down and see Theo was taking off my heals for me. I don't bother to question him, it was nice being treated like this.

He wrapped his fingers around my ankle, giving me the support I need, while his free hand slips off my heel. Without skipping a beat he repeats the process on my other heel. I feel relieved as my ankles finally catch a break.

Theo chuckles as I let out a satisfied sigh.

"Turn around darling."

His cold fingers move my shoulders, carefully spinning me around.

Theo's hands drag down my arms as they rest upon my hips. They stay there for a moment but lift to undo the ribbon holding my dress together in the back.

My body tensed at the wave of anxiety began to set course. I was in no mood to lose my virginity tonight.

"Relax, I'm just helping you, we won't do anything you don't want to."

Theo's voice was different this time. It was sweet like honey and dripping with comfort.

My shoulders fall in relaxation as the dress becomes looser around my figure. I hold onto the top to stop myself from being revealed. Theo shuffles behind me before handing me a white silk button up top.

"You'll be more comfortable in this."

His smile is kind and his eyes are still barely showing any of his strikingly green iris.

Theo walks into his bathroom, allowing me to have total privacy as I slip into his button up. It was a bit large on me, nothing to swim in, but just enough to cover me in all the right places. Letting  my hair fall.

Theo emerges from the bathroom with a wash cloth in hand. I struggle to remove the hefty choker from my neck when Theo, so effortlessly, removes my hand from the clasp and tediously undoes the choker.

I must say I'm impressed but also could feel a tad bit jealous.

How many girls has he been with to where he can easily do these things?

"Sit down darling."

Theo motions me to his bed and I oblige, sitting at the end of the bed, he plants himself right next to me, taking my chin in one hand to face him.

"Close your eyes."

My heart begins to race as I wait for him to come closer. The anticipation was quickly setting in before I flinch at the feeling of something wet and warm drag across my forehead. My eyes shoot open making Theo flinch too.

"You really don't trust me, I'm just taking off your makeup you git."

We laugh in unison at how dramatic I am. Well you would be too, considering what he had put me through.

A feeling of tiredness crept into my body as Theo was doing his finishing touches on removing my makeup.

"Get some rest, I'll join you soon."

I nod with a slight yawn departing from my mouth.

Theo placed himself in the bathroom to now get ready for bed as well. I tried my best to stay awake, wanting him to be the last thing I see before I fall into a deep sleep, but my eyes couldn't stand the pressure and slowly closed on the world around them.


I awake suddenly as I feel myself being pulled multiple times. I look around the room, only for it to be Theo pulling my closer to him in his sleep. I let out a sigh of relief getting him to let out a tired


Resting my hand on his which resided on my stomach.

"Nothing go back to bed."

In a fit of his sleep he lets out another mumble then placing his head between the nook of my shoulder.

Smiling to myself as I nestle myself further into him. Although with everything that had happened last night, I wouldn't change it for anything. Theo made me feel every emotion possible tonight, even some that I have never really experienced before.

My mind wonders as I let myself fall further back into my dream state.

I hope this isn't a dream.

Closer | A Theo Nott Enemies to Lovers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now