"I do, he doesn't really like to be away from us," Leah smiled as Cassidy gave her a small bag that Leah put all the things in. She knelt down beside Macy and scratched under Pippin's chin making him yawn and stretch.

"Alright, well Macy it was amazing meeting you, but I have to go get ready for the race, do you know where you have to go from here?" Leah asked as she took Macy's hand walking her back out of her driver's room. Leah walked right up to Eric and Philip with a sweet smile. The two of them knew exactly what that meant.

"I believe I do," Macy looked in the bag.

"Oh I'm sorry if that shirt is too big, it should be around your size though," Leah reasoned as Macy suddenly dropped the bag and threw her arms around Leah. "Oh." Leah laughed as she hugged the young girl back.

"Thank you so so much Leah," Macy mumbled as she let go and showed off her missing teeth.

"You are very welcome, now These two gentlemen are going to be your personal escorts to where you are going, alright? I want to make sure you get there safely and without bother, is that alright?" Leah asked and Macy nodded as she reached for one of their hands, but hesitated.

"Can I hold your hands so I don't get lost," She asked and Philip was the first one to nod as he offered his hand. He had huge hands compared to hers so it looked funny, but sweet. Macy waved at Leah again as she disappeared into the crowd. The only thing Leah could see was Philip and Eric's tall figures making their way through the crowds.

"Leah! Come on, you've got to get ready," Isabella demanded as she shoved Leah back toward her dressing room.

"Okay, okay," Leah smiled as she walked back to her room. Once she opened the door though she was hit with a wave of dizziness. She assumed it was her moving around too fast. She had to get dressed though. So she hummed to herself as she started getting ready. She put her fireproof on and her suit, then her balaclava and helmet. She stepped out and Cassidy was already pushing her to go. Leah didn't think she was this late, but she must have been talking with Macy for too long.

"Sorry, sorry, I know, but Macy was so cute," Leah smiled as she gripped Cassidy's arm as they made their way toward the track. She tripped a little bit and fell into someone giving them a quick apology.

"Tell me about it after, we have to get you onto the track before Isabella has a stroke," Cassidy smiled over her shoulder at Leah who just nodded. Her visor was still up so she could see and people could see her eyes as well. She turned her head and a sharp pain shot down her spine making her stop for a moment. She felt a warm feeling spread along the side of her head, she just thought maybe she'd pulled something in her neck. She went to step forward, but couldn't move her feet. Or her feet wouldn't listen to her.

"Cass," Leah could barely get the words out as her knees slammed into the concrete. The warm feeling covered her entire scalp. She could only think that it felt like she was sitting in the shower and scolding hot water was encasing her hair.

"Leah!" Cassidy yelled. The crowd of people removed as Cassidy knelt beside her as she took off her helmet and balaclava. "Leah, can you move?" Cassidy looked around at the hearing people. "Someone get the medical team! We have to get her to the hospital!" Leah could barely keep her eyes open as Cassidy unzipped her suit. "Leah." Cassidy's voice echoed around Leah as she drifted in and out.

"Don't tell him, don't tell them," Leah whispered. Cassidy had to lean over to hear what she was saying. Cassidy's heart was going a mile a minute since she didn't understand what was happening. Leah was fine after yesterday. She was fine this morning, the doctors said she was fine. "I love-." Cassidy took a deep breath as she heard the sirens.

Mind of Steel | Part two | L.N.Where stories live. Discover now